Publication schedule
№2 April 2025Submission deadline: 10 March 2025
№3 June 2025Submission deadline: 1 May 2025
№4 August 2025Submission deadline: 2 June 2025
№5 October 2025Submission deadline: 10 September 2025
№6 December 2025Submission deadline: 3 November 2025
Latest issues
- 2025, Volume 18 Issue 1 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 6 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 5 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 4 Full text
Articles from section "Regional and branch economy"
Study of factors influencing the development of innovations and labor potential in the economy of Kyrgyzstan
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 5
- 150
- Pages: 124-138
An algorithm for selecting competing regions based on localization coefficients (using the example of the Amur region)
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 1
- 121
- Pages: 107-123
Correlation of indicators of scientific potential and intensity of human capital accumulation in the territorial-sectoral projection of the Republic of Belarus
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 105
- Pages: 93-106
Assessing the impact of social factors on the sustainable economic development of China and its regions
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 22
- 144
- Pages: 80-92
Influence of the resource potential of the region on the level of financial stability
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 28
- 439
- Pages: 111-124
Methodological approach to assessing the competitiveness of the region's manufacturing sector
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 10
- 388
- Pages: 94-110
Transition to the sustainable supply chains: (on the example of PJSC Uralkali)
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 7
- 383
- Pages: 79-93
Identifying impact factors on the communications and telecommunications sector using ensemble machine learning methods
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 8
- 364
- Pages: 61-78
Concept of indicative strategic program management of the umbrella industrial EICSG-ecosystem of Industry 5.0
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 15
- 413
- Pages: 38-60
Formation of a digital ecosystem of regional transport and logistics infrastructure
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 29
- 1331
- Pages: 68-80
Development of business models of industrial enterprises in the digital economy: conceptual aspects
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 31
- 1181
- Pages: 52-67
Determinants of accelerating digitalization processes in the context of ensuring the economic security of the region
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 34
- 1210
- Pages: 33-51
The paradox of the consumer economy as a source of financing for investments in the development of Industry 4.0/5.0
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 15
- 1326
- Pages: 100-130
Dynamics of import dependence of Russian regions: resistance to autarky
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 39
- 1393
- Pages: 86-99
An approach to determining “smart specialization” of regions using big data technology
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 26
- 1477
- Pages: 67-85
The balanced development of the region: review using scoping review methodology
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 34
- 1563
- Pages: 44-66
Regional economic resilience: bibliometric analysis of the research
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 1
- 126
- 2014
- Pages: 70-87
Assessing the impact of telecommunications infrastructure on the growth of national economy
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 1
- 21
- 1819
- Pages: 55-69
Impact of geopolitical risks on inter-regional economic disparity in Russia
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 6
- 27
- 1828
- Pages: 64-76
Adopting a tool for strategy forming and assessing sustainable regional development
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 6
- 32
- 2082
- Pages: 43-63
Factors of human capital formation and development in the NWFD regions
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 6
- 27
- 2005
- Pages: 32-42
Assessment of regional differentiation according to the dynamics of the main economic indicators and the level of their convergence
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 4
- 33
- 2263
- Pages: 60-78
Assessment of sectoral cost inflation for small, medium and large businesses
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- 68
- 3039
- Pages: 52-74
Regional branding: assessment of the use of new development tools in modern conditions
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- 42
- 2409
- Pages: 37-51
Study of regional demand for timber industry products in the context of external sanctions pressures
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 31
- 2606
- Pages: 98-113
The role of scenario analysis in forming the industry development strategy (by the example of health care)
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 44
- 2749
- Pages: 83-97
Industrial cluster of the region as a localized ecosystem: the role of selforganization and collaboration factors
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 162
- 3512
- Pages: 62-82
The green transformation of Japan and some contours of the new national energy policy
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 6
- 63
- 2852
- Pages: 54-70
Development of digitalization models for the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 6
- 24
- 2678
- Pages: 33-53
Development of the ESG agenda in Russia at the regional level
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 69
- 3190
- Pages: 95-110
Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of the regional potential of the Republic of Crimea
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 34
- 2630
- Pages: 75-94
Assessment of the role of universities in staffing the digital economy of the region
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 4
- 45
- 3122
- Pages: 36-48
Comprehensive assessment of sustainability in regional systems
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 3
- 64
- 3244
- Pages: 51-63
Trajectories of export strategies in Russian transport engineering enterprises
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 1
- 55
- 3791
- Pages: 19-34
Distributed and digital energy as innovative elements of the fourth energy transition
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 6
- 38
- 3338
- Pages: 67-77
Factors of sustainable development of non-urbanized territories
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 6
- 32
- 3729
- Pages: 53-66
Identification of russian corporations' strategies: markers and results
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 36
- 3743
- Pages: 73-85
Factors of the manufacturing industry sustainability in the regions of Russia
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 49
- 4288
- Pages: 62-72
Analysis of industrial development in the country's regions based on Industry programs 4.0
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 45
- 4052
- Pages: 105-114
Application of complementary assets in mining industry: definition, nature, and features
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 21
- 4243
- Pages: 92-104
Innovative development of a region: Essential Architecture of indicators
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 5
- 80
- 4857
- Pages: 50-64
Modeling scenarios for increasing the investment attractiveness of the processing ingustry of the Republic of Tatarstan
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 34
- 4179
- Pages: 74-82
Drivers of growth and incentive measures for the development of high-tech industries
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 66
- 4424
- Pages: 57-73
Analysis of the influence of digitalization processes on regions’ economic development
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 146
- 4865
- Pages: 46-56
Modern features of the insurance market development in the Irkutsk region
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 45
- 4525
- Pages: 91-104
Measuring the development of social innovation ecosystems in the regions of Russia's Northwestern Federal District
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 42
- 4707
- Pages: 80-90
The influence of regional sectoral structure on the socio-economic development of the Republic of Khakassia
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 50
- 4560
- Pages: 68-79
Development trends of domestic innovation policy on the example of the NWFD
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 69
- 4900
- Pages: 65-78
Priorities of investment policy of the state in the system of ensuring economic security of the real sector of the economy
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 84
- 4918
- Pages: 55-64
Access to the ICT services market: comparative analysis of the factors of the negotiating position of the Republic of Belarus within the WTO
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 27
- 4625
- Pages: 43-54
Analysis of trends of transformations and development of russian electric power industry
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 30
- 4255
- Pages: 104-115
Forming and developing electric power infrastructure in regional economic space
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 26
- 4182
- Pages: 93-103
Development of regional transport and logistics system in central asia in the context of globalization of world economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 51
- 4581
- Pages: 85-92
Prospects for development of public'private partnership within the framework of potential for forming logistic system in Republic of Belarus
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 10
- 4266
- Pages: 75-84
Virtual labor market: Essence and prospects for development in Russian Federation
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 30
- 4558
- Pages: 117-129
Argument for development of processing and chemical production of gas as strategic priority of Russian economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 62
- 5175
- Pages: 102-116
Dynamics and prospects for the development of the production of hydrocarbons in us arctic territories (Alaska state and Outer continental shelf)
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 25
- 5118
- Pages: 103-113
Risk analysis for implementation of socio-economic development strategy in Sevastopol
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 22
- 4593
- Pages: 88-102
Optimizing energy balance of China: problems and prospects
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 21
- 5022
- Pages: 63-70
Development of management mechanisms for forming investment climate in border region
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 43
- 5222
- Pages: 52-62
Assessing the impact of public-private partnership mechanisms on efficiency of regional socio-economic development
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 51
- 5577
- Pages: 120-131
Problems of russian oil and gas service market
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 57
- 5336
- Pages: 111-119
Role of inter-regional cooperation in modern regional economy of Russian Federation
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 108
- 6095
- Pages: 97-110
Formation of developing electric power infrastructure of the region based on integration of strategic and investment planning objectives
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 23
- 5080
- Pages: 85-96
Financial credit component of the innovation infrastructure in russian regions:problems and solutions
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 15
- 5249
- Pages: 70-84
Modeling the economic effects of import substitution in russian manufacturing industry
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 38
- 5207
- Pages: 59-69
Features of assessing the competitiveness of innovative regional clusters: an institutional approach
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 68
- 5580
- Pages: 43-58
Evaluating dynamics of indicators of the current investment cycle in petroleum sector of the Perm krai
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 12
- 4813
- Pages: 127-141
Managing the demand for electricity consumption as an element of improving the energy efficiency of territories of the far eastern macroregion
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 13
- 4867
- Pages: 110-126
Economic growth of Sevastopol: problems and opportunities
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 56
- 5453
- Pages: 101-109
Development of public-private partnerships in St. Petersburg
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 18
- 4993
- Pages: 87-100
Comparative analysis of assessing the efficiency for implementing projects for special economic zones and territories of advanced development
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 45
- 5051
- Pages: 77-86
Analysis and forecasting of structural and dynamic parameters of regional economy based on hybrid production models of economic growth
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 42
- 5063
- Pages: 69-76
Analysis of stages of assessing performance of executive authorities of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 53
- 5325
- Pages: 74-86
Analysis of the relationship between cluster specialization and gross regional product
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 35
- 7463
- Pages: 66-73
Evaluation of the current paradigm of state industrial policy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 21
- 5123
- Pages: 56-65
Forecasting the market of infocommunication services in Russia
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 32
- 5629
- Pages: 46-55
Formation of the labor potential of advanced development territories of the Far East of Russia
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 18
- 4800
- Pages: 99-109
Effect of GDP energy intensity on the quality of life: assessment indicators and methods of state support
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 29
- 5350
- Pages: 77-86
Gross municipal product as indicator of the level of economic development of a region’s municipalities (case of Republic of Bashkortostan)
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 19
- 4829
- Pages: 91-103
Developing the generalized indicator of geopolitical region development
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 14
- 4790
- Pages: 222-229
Comparative analysis of competing innovative technologies of land vehicles with respect to environmental and economic indicators
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 14
- 4814
- Pages: 212-221
Factors of improving the competitive attractiveness of metropolitan areas for youth migration
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 27
- 4894
- Pages: 200-211
Spatial model of innovative technological regional development
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 25
- 4942
- Pages: 185-199
Study of cluster initiatives in an advanced development region
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 20
- 5111
- Pages: 176-184
Innovative approach to management of road construction in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 6
- 5694
- Pages: 96-107
Regulation and standardization as a function and form of strategizing for exhibition and fair industry (based on analytical studies of industrial shows)
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 31
- 5971
- Pages: 85-95
Perspectives for the development of the Siberian Federal District from the standpoint of knowledge economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 24
- 5845
- Pages: 72-84
The genesis of accounting and analytical support for management of revenues and expenditures of economic agents in the retail segment of the consumer market
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 9
- 4848
- Pages: 70-80
Infrastructure of the nenets autonomous district and its influence on the regional external economic activity
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 10
- 4868
- Pages: 62-69
Experience of state exposure on innovation activity in power machinery
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 15
- 4922
- Pages: 53-61
Analysis of the formation and functioning of strategic planning of industry development in Russia
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 7
- 4856
- Pages: 38-52
The state support peculiarities of investment activity in the Republic of Crimea
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 28
- 4742
- Pages: 110-121
Effectiveness of state budget policy in creating budgetary incentives of russian regions
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 23
- 4852
- Pages: 87-98
Analysis of the structural dynamics in the manufacturing industry at the national and regional levels
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 31
- 4964
- Pages: 64-76
Managing the risk of the need for additional financing of investment projects of transport infrastructure
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 9
- 4388
- Pages: 132-141
Tools for creating an effective energy infrastructure for regional development
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 21
- 4535
- Pages: 119-131
Problems and basic provisions for forming a strategy of regional socio-economic development (using the example of the Republic of Buryatia)
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 85
- 5126
- Pages: 106-118
Features of modeling the economic security of an industrial complex
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 30
- 4872
- Pages: 96-105
Management of the processes of functioning of territories of advanced development as a factor in ensuring the sustainability of regional economic systems
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 66
- 4630
- Pages: 84-95
Analysis of the macroeconomic conditions of the metallurgical industry of Russia
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 33
- 4634
- Pages: 75-83
Software implementation of the method of evaluating the efficiency of the state customer in procurement
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 5
- 99
- 5328
- Pages: 70-78
Estimation of the basic preconditions and potentials of cluster development in the economy of a region focused on resources and raw materials
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 5
- 49
- 4727
- Pages: 55-69
Some aspects of competition development in the Republic of Crimea
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 5
- 27
- 4700
- Pages: 46-54
Application peculiarities of corporate social responsibility in the development of the russian region
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 94
- 4833
- Pages: 126-135
Features of formation and development of the reactive power market
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 68
- 4769
- Pages: 114-125
Foreign experience of stimulating microgeneration based on renewable energy sources: organizational and economic aspects
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 202
- 5075
- Pages: 104-113
Conceptual approach for forming projects of public-private partnership in the industry
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 58
- 4856
- Pages: 82-90
Creation and development of a free economic zone in the Republic of Crimea: analysis and monitoring of activities
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 163
- 4780
- Pages: 72-81
Assessment of innovative development of regions of the arctic zone of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 108
- 4813
- Pages: 60-71
Concept of strategic planning of anti(crisis economic behavior of an enterprise
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 52
- 4477
- Pages: 51-59
Empirical analysis of foreign investment in the retail trade sector of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 100
- 5107
- Pages: 89-100
Evaluation of sustainable development in the social sphere of electric power engineering in Russia
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 72
- 4853
- Pages: 76-88
Structural aspects of development small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 93
- 4999
- Pages: 65-75
Development of a system for monitoring the regional AIC production
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 41
- 4869
- Pages: 57-64
Problems of investment appeal of special economic zones in russian regions
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 242
- 5223
- Pages: 110-118
The policy of import substitution as a factor strengthening economic security industry
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 130
- 5128
- Pages: 99-109
Regional development prospects during the formation of the Russia – China –Mongolia economic corridor
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 188
- 5465
- Pages: 90-98
A comparative efficiency evaluation of nuclear and fossil fuel power generation
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 125
- 5556
- Pages: 80-89
The evaluation and forecasting of structural and dinamic changes during the clustering process of the regional economic space
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 173
- 5456
- Pages: 73-79
Structural balance of the economy: government programs for industrial development in the Russian Federation
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 148
- 5203
- Pages: 53-72
Network interaction of institutional units: problems and defining points of growth for strategic effectiveness
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 176
- 4855
- Pages: 97-111
Methodological approach to evaluating the effectiveness of traffic along the Northern sea route
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 188
- 5204
- Pages: 86-96
Problems of the Siberian Federal District in the context of recovery of economic growth
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 94
- 5426
- Pages: 73-85
Structural transformation of the economy of the Crimea: retrospectives of the chemical industry development
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 174
- 5033
- Pages: 64-72
Diffusion of innovative processes as a basis of viability of a regional innovative cluster
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 124
- 5307
- Pages: 54-63
Institutional challenges and strategic management features of territorial-productional subsystems
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 6
- 136
- 4857
- Pages: 40-53
The impact of public-private partnerships on the development of communicative environment of innovative economy
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 131
- 5086
- Pages: 57-71
Innovative development of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of disruptive technologies
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 272
- 5431
- Pages: 47-56
Control system of utilization of medical waste: experience of the EU and Russia
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 229
- 5497
- Pages: 41-46
Technological modernization of the oil and gas industry: the current state and prospects of development
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 303
- 5704
- Pages: 30-40
Assessing the economic efficiency of cluster functioning: a quantitative approach
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 230
- 5582
- Pages: 21-29
Estimation of the influence fuel costs productivity in Russia energy systems
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 110
- 5138
- Pages: 67-77
A public-private partnership in the period of structural reforms of the space industry
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 490
- 5728
- Pages: 48-58
Transformation of industrial development at the present stage of economic development
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 186
- 5422
- Pages: 38-47
Innovative development of the region on the basis of economics of quality tools application
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 10
- 5011
- Pages: 29-37
The competitive environment in the banking sector and its development in the regional aspect (Belgorod region example)
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 6
- 388
- 5513
- Pages: 51-57
Transformation of enterprise management tools of a military-industrial complex due to external factors
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 6
- 288
- 5086
- Pages: 40-50
Сommunication centers as an element of the institutional environment of innovative economy
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 5
- 408
- 5575
- Pages: 54-63
Economic feasibility of geothermal heat pumps for housing estate heating
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 5
- 559
- 5944
- Pages: 43-53
Reach the target use of renewable energy as a factor of improving energy efficiency regional economy
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 5
- 441
- 5587
- Pages: 31-42
Market mechanisms of investment attraction into development of power industry
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 392
- 5995
- Pages: 96-104
Trends in logistics outsourcing used in supply chains of pulp and paper products
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 634
- 5761
- Pages: 84-95
Market mechanisms of investment attraction into development of power industry
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 268
- 5698
- Pages: 73-83
Influence of socio-economic development on economic security of the region (case study: Perm territory)
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 832
- 8113
- Pages: 63-72
Cluster initiatives in the economy: trends and issues of implementation
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 307
- 5369
- Pages: 52-62
Analysis of the human development index calculation. comparison of the old and the new methods
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 627
- 5981
- Pages: 85-93
The enhancement of approach to efficiency estimation of energy-saving projects in the petroleum refining
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 340
- 4954
- Pages: 76-84
On the consistent terminology in the regional energy saving management system
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 351
- 5217
- Pages: 68-75
Ways of increasing competitiveness of the russian steel industry
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 585
- 5180
- Pages: 60-67
Сoncept of forming the municipal market of engineering knowledge
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 404
- 5023
- Pages: 52-59
The influence of small businesses on the economic growth in Russia
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 362
- 5415
- Pages: 46-51
Housing stock in Russia: dynamics of quality characteristics
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 686
- 5618
- Pages: 51-58
Sustainable development as top priority of social and economic policy of the region
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 311
- 5218
- Pages: 33-42
Public'private partnership in the strategic management of region's socio'economic development
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 285
- 5164
- Pages: 50-58
Financing of the projects of Russian railways’s infrastructure development
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 528
- 5343
- Pages: 42-49
Economic effectiveness of energy resources delivery to the energy systems by different transport means
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 269
- 4775
- Pages: 34-41
Economic methods to support the development of small distributed power
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 404
- 5537
- Pages: 26-33
Formation of the communication center for implementation of new programs of the Arctic exploration
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 5
- 320
- 5031
- Pages: 80-88
Providing the financial support to the task of the technological security provision in the farming sector of Ukraine
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 5
- 321
- 5271
- Pages: 73-79
Economic policies and tax regulations in the region: course of development and the transition to a knowledge economy
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 5
- 258
- 5017
- Pages: 57-63
Economic aspects of recycling of firm household waste in municipal economy of megacities
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6182
- Pages: 75-80
Methodical bases of the estimation of social and economic efficiency of complex development of the small rivers
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5604
- Pages: 72-75
Maintenance of economic safety of the resort–recreationals complex
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5572
- Pages: 69-72
Providing development of entrance tourism in a megacity: problems and prospects
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5876
- Pages: 64-69
The forming of government administration mechanism in regional youth policy
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5935
- Pages: 58-63
Preinvestment investigations of industrial capacity of the oil-gas industry enterprises
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5928
- Pages: 53-58
About the infrastructural component of economic development of region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5676
- Pages: 48-53
Conditions of formation and management of the investment program of region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6030
- Pages: 46-48
The innovation policy as the foundation of direction of region function and development
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6007
- Pages: 40-45
Application of an index of steady industrial development for an estimation of economic safety of region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6002
- Pages: 97-100
State regulation of touristic-recreational activity in regions
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5843
- Pages: 92-97
Formation of the mechanism of equation of regional system of personnel maintenance
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5887
- Pages: 87-92
Problems of the focused strategic planning of development of sphere of services
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5934
- Pages: 82-87
Conditions of adaptation of managing subjects to unstationary territorial economic system
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6299
- Pages: 79-82
Formation of the control system by risks of innovative process of region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6395
- Pages: 65-72
The analysis of structure of economy in republic Dagestan and directions of its development
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5757
- Pages: 60-65
Formation of regional telecommunication system on the basis of logistical approaches
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5854
- Pages: 92-95
Formation of the control system by housing-and-municipal sphere of modern economy
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5693
- Pages: 89-91
Of the problem of increase of efficiency of the russian export of aluminium
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5615
- Pages: 84-89
Development of far eastern tourism as the means of region’s apec integration
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5938
- Pages: 81-84
Structural transformations in the economy as object of an industrial policy at various levels of management
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6004
- Pages: 76-80
The regional market of bank cards in the far east: problems and prospects of its development
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5691
- Pages: 69-75
Tendencies of development of sphere of services in postindustrial economy
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6030
- Pages: 60-69
Evaluating distribution of russian tourist-recreational resources: tools and results
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5853
- Pages: 51-60
The value of fuel additives ecological-economic effectiveness
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5931
- Pages: 66-72
Influence of monopolisation of the market of mineral oil on a regional total product
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5800
- Pages: 61-66
About problems of integration of extracting and processing sectors of the russian fishing industry
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5913
- Pages: 57-60
Gearing machinery for the organization and economic functions of the regional ration marke
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5774
- Pages: 53-57
Priority directions of investments into agrarian sector of economy
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5889
- Pages: 46-53
Substantiation of application of model Solowe at formation of model of the innovative complex of region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5938
- Pages: 33-36
The influnce of peculiarities on the terminology change with prime cost accounting
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5591
- Pages: 101-103
Methodological footing of modelling of cooperation between customs and participants of economic activity
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5963
- Pages: 95-100
The basic tendencies of development of segmentation of the consumer market
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5637
- Pages: 90-95
Features of formation of the industrial policy at mesolevel (on the example of the Astrakhan region)
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5933
- Pages: 124-128
Management of development of an integrated production system in structural transformations
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5703
- Pages: 118-124
The efficiency borders of social and economic development cities: problems, results of modeling
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5890
- Pages: 108-118
Research of management processes in development of regional sanatorium-resort complexes
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6107
- Pages: 101-108
East Donbass in the conditions of decrease stress: the current state and prospects of innovative development
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5731
- Pages: 93-100
The substantiation of the choice of the regions competing to the Amur area
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5687
- Pages: 84-88
Information-analytical system of social-economic monitoring of region indexes
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5803
- Pages: 80-84
The manpower of east Donbass and creation of special economic zones in region
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5896
- Pages: 65-73
Transformation of economy of region of industrial type (on the example of the Perm edge)
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5921
- Pages: 59-65
The mechanism of formation of competitive advantages of region (on the republic Kabardino-Balkarskoj example)
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5798
- Pages: 54-59
Information-algorithmic bases of monitoring of social and economic efficiency of subsystems of public health services
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6057
- Pages: 50-54
The concept of the organization of industrial production of the foodstuffs
- Year: 2008
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6314
- Pages: 45-50
Formation of the basic directions of social and economic development of municipal unions (on the example of the Pskov area)
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5935
- Pages: 61-69
Essence and problems of statistics of the surrounding environment
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5659
- Pages: 57-61
Features of development of human potential of agrarian economy
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5819
- Pages: 51-57
Realization of new technological way in region (on the example of the Nizhniy Novgorod region)
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5953
- Pages: 41-46
Modern approaches and theoretical positions of research of institute of regional bank system
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6032
- Pages: 35-40
Approaches, criteria and principles of regional sustainable development indicators systems formation
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6287
- Pages: 31-35
Strategies business communications in tourism and their effectiveness evaluation
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 2
- 548
- 5388
- Pages: 57-62
Resource potential as an important factor contributing to the balanced development of territories
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 2
- 659
- 5203
- Pages: 48-56
Current state and development trends of russian automotive market
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 2
- 413
- 4921
- Pages: 31-37
Development of theoretical bases of economic efficiency of transport construction in conditions of self-regulation
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 2
- 386
- 4927
- Pages: 21-30
The mechanism of formation of effective strategy of development
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6101
- Pages: 101-105
Features of the government economy of sphere of services in region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5991
- Pages: 98-101
The basic directions of development of the wholesale market of electric energy and capacity in Russia
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5592
- Pages: 84-91
Enterprise risk estimation on the basis of fuzzy logic conclusion
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5611
- Pages: 77-84
The statistical analysis of dynamics of tariffs of housing and communal services (on the example of Pezensky area)
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5687
- Pages: 71-76
Priorities and features of modern social policy in regions of Russia
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5688
- Pages: 62-67
The forming of organizational mechanism of strategic management by reconstructive growth of the economy of the region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5737
- Pages: 56-62
Theoretical bases of forming of cluster model of development of economy of region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5600
- Pages: 51-56
The mechanism of elaborating of the strategy of regional industrial development
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6139
- Pages: 46-51
Features of the complex ekologo-economic estimation of territory
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5962
- Pages: 76-80
The analysis of economic activities of the enterprises of light industry (on the example of spinning and knitted manufactures)
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5867
- Pages: 67-76
Questions of formation of the macroeconomic policy of the healthy way of life of the population of Russia
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5907
- Pages: 62-67
Formation of the mechanism of management by the innovative infrastructure of region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6013
- Pages: 55-62
The analysis of applicability of models of corporate social responsibility in practice of the republic of Belarus
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5422
- Pages: 54-57
Problems of forecasting and planning of requirement for rail transportation
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5646
- Pages: 50-54
Ground of structure of service of controlling of auction network
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5716
- Pages: 43-49
Creation of the effective control system by development of territorial welfare complexes
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5827
- Pages: 35-38
Stages of formation of the innovative infrastructure of the industrial complex of region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5953
- Pages: 48-52
The analysis of approaches according to investment potential of region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5615
- Pages: 45-47
Strategic analysis of the region's economic: theoretical and methodical foundations
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 6197
- Pages: 33-39
Management automation as the factor of increase of formation of the social and economic policy
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5718
- Pages: 105-110
Integrated production and consumption waste management system modelling at the regional level
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5930
- Pages: 100-104
Comprehensive estimation of tourist’ websites of the regional authorities
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 263
- 4776
- Pages: 105-111
Features of the competitive environment in the market of tourist services and competitiveness of travel companies
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 1445
- 7209
- Pages: 98-104
Economics natural distinction state zoning environmental challenges administrative structures for environmental sustainability
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 361
- 5082
- Pages: 91-97
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 674
- 5316
- Pages: 84-90
Forms and methods to improve the commercialization intellectual property in Russia
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 461
- 5259
- Pages: 50-59
Forms of the organization and a typology of the integrated industrial structures
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 497
- 5536
- Pages: 40-49
The analysis of the state of industrial R&D organizations in St. Petersburg
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 421
- 4538
- Pages: 33-39
Analysis of the processes of forming and practical application of the mechanism of behavior of economic agents in real estate
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 321
- 5143
- Pages: 96-102
System of monitoring, evaluation and management of Russian regions innovative development
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 576
- 5651
- Pages: 90-95
Tools and principles for management of the enterprise value (by the example of the automotive industry)
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 522
- 5375
- Pages: 83-89
Basic background of underground waters extraction management reforming in Russia
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 754
- 5373
- Pages: 75-82
Application of logistic outsourcing for the organization of international transport of industrial freights
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 364
- 4788
- Pages: 65-74
The directions and principles of elimination the system of the cross-subsidization in the russian power industry
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 550
- 5744
- Pages: 54-64
State regulation of activity of enterprise structures in the market of petroleum
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5926
- Pages: 93-99
Estimation of motivation and stimulation of labour activity of workers of sphere of service
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5881
- Pages: 87-92
Management of foreign-economic activity in the structural modernization of regional economy
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5624
- Pages: 82-86
State regulation of integration processes in agro-industrial complex
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5535
- Pages: 67-72
Klaster the policy in structure of innovative economy of regions of the russian North
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6125
- Pages: 64-67
The directions of improvement of the existing system of financing of construction and home ownership
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 442
- 4985
- Pages: 47-53
Features of the concept of «economic security metropolis in the field of migration»
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 677
- 5525
- Pages: 41-46
Directions of improving the competitiveness of grain complex in the Russian accession to WTO
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 644
- 5238
- Pages: 34-40
The problems and prospects of support for innovation at the regional level
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 399
- 4834
- Pages: 29-33
World and russian power complex development trends and the consequenses for the russian economy
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 372
- 4994
- Pages: 19-28
Estimation of the ecological component of development of regions of Russia (on the example of subjects of the North)
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5895
- Pages: 59-63
The estimation of potential and efficiency of functioning of the industry in region
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5617
- Pages: 53-58
Features of functioning and development of sanatorium system
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5858
- Pages: 55-60
Territorial localization and structure reproduction housing as a factors of the region building complex development
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6081
- Pages: 47-55
Strategic aspects of the anti-recessionary policy the states providing its economic safety
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6241
- Pages: 40-43
Theoretical Aspects of transport costs to the national economy
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5987
- Pages: 34-40
Regions clustering on social and economic development level on the basis of self −organizing kohonen maps
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 3
- 1
- 6255
- Pages: 27-33
Resarch of regional conditions for foreign trade activities in special economic zones
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6037
- Pages: 72-77
Statistical approaches for the analysis of the level development of rural territories
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5985
- Pages: 68-71
Complex approache of estimation of efficiency usage of radio frequency resource
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5803
- Pages: 63-67
Regional conditions of effective functioning of local government
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5777
- Pages: 52-56
Evaluation of region , s investment climate by the method RAP
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5947
- Pages: 47-51
role of strategic management is in forming of agroindustrial complex (on the example of Republic Khakasiya)
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5831
- Pages: 44-47
Region as an element of territorial structure of national economy
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 1
- 5878
- Pages: 39-44
Influence of heterogeneity of economic space for dynamics of development subregion
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 6080
- Pages: 33-38
The economic mechanism of reforming region housing and communal services
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5796
- Pages: 81-83
Operating conditions and directions of development of the regional market
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5839
- Pages: 70-74
The principles of Smart Grid in the power infrastructure of the city
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 6310
- Pages: 55-59
Economic factors of functioning and development of the regional financially-budgetary subsystem
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5900
- Pages: 51-55
Ethnoeconomic aspects of a regional policy of Sverdlovsk area
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 6015
- Pages: 36-42
Evalution of formation of new gas production centers in risk conditions
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6014
- Pages: 71-75
The determination of the Krasnoyarsk region economy trasition to the way of stable economy growth
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5872
- Pages: 64-71
Features of application of the strategic approach to macroregion development
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5899
- Pages: 60-64
Methodical approaches to assessment innovation potential of agrarian sphere of the Stavropol region
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5785
- Pages: 57-60
Conceptual approaches to the definition «border» in the context of institutional paradigm
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6110
- Pages: 47-50
Publicprivate partnerships in the strategy of socioeconomic development of the region
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5844
- Pages: 95-100
Features of strategic management on Russian small and medium scale enterprises
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5794
- Pages: 91-95
Place of vertically integrated companies in the economy of forest industry of the Russian federation
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5608
- Pages: 84-90
Estimation of efficiency of functioning of the grain subcomplex of agrarian and industrial complex of the Samara region
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5778
- Pages: 75-78
Directions of innovative technologies implementation in agribusiness
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5667
- Pages: 72-75
Criterion of economic availability of housingandmunicipal services for the population at region level
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5586
- Pages: 68-71
Diversification and improving of economy of oil and gas production onecompany town
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6186
- Pages: 55-62
he analysis of the condition and possibility of development of the oil and gas complex
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5666
- Pages: 50-55
The analysis of the conceptual device management the development and promotion of regional the tourism industry
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5898
- Pages: 44-49
Economic and regional factors of development of systems of transportation of hydrocarbons
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6023
- Pages: 101-106
The distributed power of region in maintenance of it's power efficiency and safety
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5909
- Pages: 95-100
Attendance as an indicator of regional tourist authorities’ websites performance
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5895
- Pages: 87-94
The comparative analysis of state and problems of the scope of services in Russia and its regions
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5819
- Pages: 78-86
The resource-potential approach to solving the housing problem in a big city
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5794
- Pages: 71-77
Stages of useful coal fields co products economical evaluation
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6070
- Pages: 66-71
Non&material actives as the factor of cost of regional corporations
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5900
- Pages: 63-66
Regional features of the organizational&economic mechanism of public health services
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 1
- 5840
- Pages: 45-49
Estimation of social and economic efficiency of sphere of services of region
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 5924
- Pages: 41-44
Information approach to the assessment of synergetic effect in territorial industrial complexes
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 516
- 5463
- Pages: 60-65
Estimation of efficiency of regional investment policy based on statistical indices
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 737
- 5712
- Pages: 53-59
Application of qualimetrical approach in the management of the regional economy
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 963
- 6128
- Pages: 45-52
Analysis of economic development and forecasting of the main indicators of the industry of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 4
- 4343
- Pages: 38-44
Directions of steady social and economic development of the Kola area
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5370
- Pages: 110-114
Problem of synergistic effects in the youth segment of the labor market of modern municipality education
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5334
- Pages: 96-105
Essence of an agrarian policy in modern conditions of development of economy
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5924
- Pages: 87-92
The innovative-network form of development cluster’s of the megacity
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5610
- Pages: 80-86
Socio-economic factors of stability of incomes of municipal union (on the example of the Chuvash republic)
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5542
- Pages: 74-79
Formation of potential of the regional market and the arctic system of transportation of natural gas
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5356
- Pages: 68-73
The energy potential of region and the conditions of its effective use
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5685
- Pages: 62-67
The estimation of factors of formation of strategy of development of macroregion
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5393
- Pages: 52-55
Future use objects of property in the subject of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4487
- Pages: 90-93
The current state and problems of innovational development of agricultural sector enterprises and its realization mechanisms
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4677
- Pages: 86-89
Russian building sector analysis and problems of investment promotion
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 1
- 4266
- Pages: 79-81
Documentation of business operations of counted out agricultural production
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4726
- Pages: 75-78
Organization to displacement in the large agglomerations (the example of Paris the capital region Île-de-France)
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4604
- Pages: 70-74
Effect of transport infrastructureon regional economic development
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4480
- Pages: 64-69
Innovative development of pharmaceutical industry in Russia: problems and prospects
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 1
- 4602
- Pages: 60-63
Methodical aspects of interregional cooperation in the Russian Federation
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4558
- Pages: 53-60
Territorial planning in the system of management of social and economic development in Russia
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 5118
- Pages: 49-52
Management of industrial development of Russia northwest: the analysis of the condition and the improvement way
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 4532
- Pages: 43-48
Modelling of transport infrastructureof industrial clusters with use of information and analytical systems
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 4797
- Pages: 61-65
Improving the efficiency of the megapolis heating supply system
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 4580
- Pages: 48-52
The use of instruments of publicprivate partnership in strategic investment projects for the development of the regional economy
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 4744
- Pages: 38-41
Regional innovation systems: formation conditions and criteria for efficiency
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 4327
- Pages: 57-62
Development of the service industry of large tourism center: problems of cluster or ganization of tourism
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 4496
- Pages: 51-56
Organizational and economic tools of an assessment of efficiency and prospects of development of the market of realtor services
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 4051
- Pages: 46-50
Current state and trends of the russian market of recruiting services
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 1
- 4121
- Pages: 42-45
Approaches to assessing the performance of regional clusters
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 4148
- Pages: 34-41
Structural integration as a methodology of organizational innovation
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 3
- 4218
- Pages: 21-26
Development of territorial selfgovernment for the control of industry of housing and communal services
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 4469
- Pages: 62-65
Conceptual basics of socialeconomic efficiency management in retail
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 4611
- Pages: 55-62
«Winning producer» of the wholesale market of electricity and capacity
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 4382
- Pages: 82-86
Formation of appeal of territorial and branch economic system on the basis of partnership
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 3985
- Pages: 74-81
he features of reforming of housing and communal services on a software-target approach
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 1
- 4252
- Pages: 71-74
he organizational principles of forming of innovative and branch clusters
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 1
- 4210
- Pages: 63-71
Effect of potential of oil and gas industry on the socio-economic effectiveness region (illustrated HMAO – Yugra)
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 4321
- Pages: 55-62
Industrialized regions in the emerging knowledge economy (an example Kurgan region)
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 4220
- Pages: 51-55
Macroeconomic conditions of perspective development of traditional and industrial regions
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 4240
- Pages: 37-43
Analysis of investment building complex megapolice based on phase criterion
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 1
- 317
- 5203
- Pages: 55-61
Analysis of risks, which impeding development of business activity in the Khabarovsk territory
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 1480
- 6928
- Pages: 59-63
Problems of sustainable development of tourists enterprise structures (on example of St. Petersburg)
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 414
- 5348
- Pages: 55-58
Features and trends of development on the market of luxury goods
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 2820
- 8605
- Pages: 49-54
Legislative bases of the state help to the regional development in the WTO countries-members, the EU and the Russian Federation
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 571
- 5306
- Pages: 43-48
The principles for decision support system formation for st.petersburg' energy sector expansion (an example St. Petersburg)
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 487
- 5465
- Pages: 37-42
Analysis of development finance investment and building complex region
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 459
- 5076
- Pages: 24-29
Extent of realization of the principles of limitation, adequacy and program and target orientation in regions
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 495
- 5214
- Pages: 15-23
Theoretical approaches to the spatial organization of regional economy
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 958
- 5914
- Pages: 9-14
Tendencies of development of military-industrial complex of Russia
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 3
- 741
- 5443
- Pages: 23-30