Factors of sustainable development of non-urbanized territories

Regional and branch economy

Non-urbanized territories cover most of the Russian Federation territory and perform such important national economic functions as maintaining the ecological balance, ensuring food security, as well as resource support for the development of economic sectors. At the same time, the municipalities of these territories face a whole range of problems, the most important of which is to ensure sustainable development. The problems of non-urbanized territories have a negative impact on the dynamics of the country’s socio-economic development, predetermine the uneven socio-economic state of the regions and a significant differentiation in the life quality of the population. At the same time, at present, issues of sustainable development come to the fore both at the state level and for individual territories. The aim of the work is to analyze the factors of sustainable development of non-urbanized territories. As the studies have shown, a significant lag in the life quality in rural areas from large cities determines the low attractiveness of non-urbanized territories for the professional implementation of young specialists. Rural areas remain attractive mainly for the population over the working age. In these conditions, the migration outflow of the working-age population and, above all, of young people, is the main problem of sustainable development of non-urbanized territories. At the same time, low level of infrastructure development, insufficient supply of jobs for highly qualified specialists are among the main factors that determine the young people migration from non-urbanized territories. The most intensive migration outflow is typical for young women, which is largely due to the “washing out” of female jobs resulting from the social sphere optimization in rural areas. In this regard, the development of rural areas by means of creating of conditions to realize the young people potential is an important national economic task. As a source of information, the work used the database of indicators of municipalities presented on the Rosstat website. Correlation-regression analysis was used to identify migration factors.