Analysis of the formation and functioning of strategic planning of industry development in Russia

Regional and branch economy

The relevance of the topic is determined by the formation of the system of strategic planning, strategies of individual industries, the existing problems of implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs of industrial development in the Russian Federation. The goal of the study is in analyzing the formation and functioning of strategic planning of industrial development in the Russian Federation, identifying the problems and finding ways for solving them. The objectives of the study are analysis of the problems of formation of the system of strategic planning of industrial development in the Russian Federation; analysis of the current state of strategic planning of industrial development in the Russian Federation; identification of implementation problems, as well as analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs of industrial development and substantiation of the impact of these problems on achieving industrial development goals; development of elements of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs. The methods of the study are analysis of normative and methodological documents of strategic planning, economic analysis. The article deals with the problems of strategic planning in the Russian Federation, the formation of strategies for socio-economic development and development of certain industries, the formation of institutional and methodological support of strategic planning, evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the state programs of industrial development. We have analyzed the dynamics of the actual values of the target indicators of the state program of the Russian Federation «Development of industry and improvement of its competitiveness» for 2013–2016, compared the actual and planned values of the target indicators, revealed the shortcomings of strategic planning, showed the impact of planning shortcomings on the objectivity of the assessment of the effectiveness. On the basis of the analysis, we have developed the elements of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs at the stage of preliminary diagnosis, taking into account the quality of institutional and methodological support for the formation of the strategic planning system. In order to improve the management of state development programs, improve the quality of strategic planning and reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of state programs, we have developed the stages of the algorithm for assessing the quality of planning (evaluation of the validity of the planned values of the target indicators of the state program), which is an integral part of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the state programs. Directions for further research lie in the development of methods for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs and in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs of industrial development in the Russian Federation.