Trends in logistics outsourcing used in supply chains of pulp and paper products

Regional and branch economy

Trends in the use of logistics outsourcing in supply chains of pulp and paper products have undergone significant changes in recent years. Initially, the main objective of outsourcing non-key activities was operating efficiency that helped minimize costs. At present, the decision on outsourcing is not always accompanied by reduced operating costs. The article analyzes the cost of transport services of such pulp and paper mills as: «Syassky PPM», JSC «Segezha PPM», JSC «Kondopoga» and JSC «Kamenskaya BF». The structure of costs by transportation departments of the pulp and paper enterprises is examined, vehicles of the pulp and paper mills are analyzed in terms of their actual service life, great deterioration of the motor pool is identified and, consequently, the need to upgrade it or transfer to logistics outsourcing is revealed. A decision-making algorithm on the use of logistics outsourcing of finished goods transportation. Trends in development of outsourcing in the supply chains of pulp and paper products aimed at client-oriented service. The results of calculation of expenses related to storage of finished products by «Syassky PPM» in its own warehouse and 3PL-provider «Open Warehouse Logistics», providing a full range of safe storage services. The analysis of warehousing activities outsourcing at JSC «Syassky PPM» allows drawing conclusions about the rationality of transferring integrated logistics functions to the operator, who provides high quality service, compliance with the time of delivery and proximity of stocks to consumer. It is shown how logistics outsourcing in supply chains of pulp and paper products enables further development of the industry, thanks to which focus on the end-user satisfaction and increase in asset turnover become possible, which correspondingly leads to process effectiveness of the pulp and paper mills, improves quality of products and services, and consequently increases profits.