Diffusion of innovative processes as a basis of viability of a regional innovative cluster

Regional and branch economy

An investigation of the scientific and methodical approaches to the problem of creating innovative clusters and supporting their viability has revealed the shortcomings in studying the diffusive processes within a regional innovative cluster. Taking into account the strengthening role of the transformation of the technological paradigm and its impact on the emergence and development of an innovative cluster, the problem of effective diffusion of innovative processes in all fields of activity of the cluster’s participants and creating the tools for eliminating the obstacles arising in the course of introduction of innovations and allowing to overcome ‘rejection’ of innovative processes. We have performed an analysis of the methodology of creating diffusive processes, revealing the following essential shortcomings: different levels of readiness of the participants of innovative clusters for diffusive processes are not taken into account, the chaotic structure of innovative clustering does not allow to plan a diffusive process, introduction of new elements does not always lead to a new level of competences and knowledge in an innovative cluster, and also does not energize the structure of an innovative cluster, and creates additional difficulties for its development. Developing effective instruments for initiating diffusive processes and supporting the viability of regional innovative clusters is offered as a method for eliminating these shortcomings. We have offered a set of measures for overcoming the arising difficulties of diffusive processes, which allow to avoid or anticipate rejection of innovative processes (i.e., complete refusal to introduce these processes into any activities) by the cluster’s participants. The focus among the measures we have proposed for overcoming the obstacles is on such tools as the integration of a technological implant into the activity of an innovative cluster; formation of a ‘quarantine zone’ of an innovative cluster and ‘transplantation’ of new structural elements in a cluster.