Some aspects of competition development in the Republic of Crimea

Regional and branch economy

The significance of the study is in covering the important issue of development and support of competition. Competition needs to be considered more broadly, not only as a result of the strategy of the interaction between companies in the market, but also as a driving force of the economic life. Competition as an economic process implies such a degree of competitiveness of economic entities that their independent actions effectively limit each of them in unilaterally influencing the types of good circulation in the market. The research procedure consists in monitoring and assessing the state of competition in the Republic of Crimea. The development of competition in the economy is a multifaceted task whose solution depends on implementing an effective state policy in a wide range of areas, starting from a macroeconomic policy, creating a favorable investment climate, developing the financial and tax system, reducing administrative and infrastructure barriers, and protecting citizens' rights and national policies. Monitoring of the state and development of the competitive environment in the markets of goods, works and services was carried out in the Republic of Crimea in October-November 2016. The purpose of the monitoring was to assess the status and the development of the competitive environment in these markets and to search for ways of increasing the competitiveness in the Republic of Crimea and the potential directions of implementing the projects aimed at increasing the competitiveness in the Republic of Crimea. We have considered the results of the monitoring of the status and development of the competitive environment in the markets of goods, works and services of the Republic of Crimea carried out by statistical agencies. The directions of further research will be in monitoring the number of competitors in various segments of the priority markets for the Republic of Crimea.