Institutional challenges and strategic management features of territorial-productional subsystems

Regional and branch economy

Formation of system of strategic management in Russia needs a system development of legal and methodological basis and requires interpretation and compilation of lessons learned. The purpose of the study is to identify factors of influence, management aspects and ordering system for problems of territorial and production of strategic management in general and urgent for the development of port and industrial complexes as sub regional economic system, in particular. From a systems perspective it revealed features of the interaction and coordination of the conditions defined territorial, sectoral and corporate aspects of the functioning and development of territorial entities by the example of the port and industrial complexes. Based on the analysis of the opinions of experts, researchers, practitioners of territorial stewardship existing problems of Strategic Management in the Russian Federation have been summarized and systematized in accordance with the control functions. Bottlenecks strategic territorial control descending occurrence are the organizational and methodological aspects of the planning process, insufficient and/or multidirectional motivation planning entities, communication problems of operational and consistent treatment of a variety of information, ill-considered system of input, current and output control. Ways of their solution have been formulated for each group identified problems. The specificity of the identified strategic management issues in relation to the port complex. In the case of a plurality of stevedores problem common purposeful management port complex appears as the object of national and regional interest. This requires the solution of two interrelated problems: the presence of the strategy and policy coherence both vertically and horizontally. This prevents legal conflict between the goals and objectives of the development of port facilities and port operations authorized institutions. It is shown that the new ports have initially formulated a development strategy that promotes the formation of port and industrial complexes. It is emphasized that the system of strategic development takes place under the leadership of the port operator and should constitute a synthesis of regional, sectoral and corporate components on the basis of public – private management.