Development of digitalization models for the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic

Regional and branch economy

The ability of the country's national economy to provide a sufficient amount of food for the population is determined by the well-being and development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC): the total production and economic system that produces, processes agricultural products and brings them to the consumer. To achieve the stated goal, the study substantiates the need to form a unified methodology for developing digitalization models for the agro-industrial complex. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that, like other sectoral and intersectoral industrial complexes, the agro-industrial complex has its main goals for the long term: ensuring absolute satisfaction of the demand of the country's inhabitants in food products made from raw materials; gradual improvement of the quality of life of workers in rural areas on the basis of increasing the productivity of the complex; introduction of innovations in the development of agriculture. All these aspects cannot be achieved without the introduction of digital technologies. At the same time, there are currently no comprehensive studies that allow modeling the development of agriculture taking into account the proactive vector and in the context of digital transformations. Scientific novelty is determined by the emerging contradiction between the requirements of practice for the scientific explanation (evaluation, analysis) of the results of using digital business processes, in particular, those based on the use of the Internet-of-things technology, and the available means (conceptual, formal models, methods and techniques) of such a scientific explanation. An author's approach is needed to combine these elements. The purpose of this study is to build models for the development of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic on the example of specific municipal districts based on a complex combination of conceptual and formal models that allow evaluating the performance indicators of using digital business processes, including those based on the use of the Internet-of-things technology. In the process of the research, the methods of generalization and synthesis, statistical, dynamic and structural analysis, the abstract-logical method were applied. As a result, the following scientific results were obtained: models for the development of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic were developed; ADL-models for the development of digitalization of agriculture in the Komi Republic were built; a model for generating the results of using digital business processes based on the use of the Internet-of-things technology was described through the systematization of factors that determine the specifics of the development of agriculture. The approbation was carried out on the basis of a study of specific municipal districts of the Komi Republic. The results and conclusions obtained can be used in the transformational processes of development of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the proactive introduction of digital models.