Publication schedule
№2 April 2025Submission deadline: 10 March 2025
№3 June 2025Submission deadline: 1 May 2025
№4 August 2025Submission deadline: 2 June 2025
№5 October 2025Submission deadline: 10 September 2025
№6 December 2025Submission deadline: 3 November 2025
Latest issues
- 2025, Volume 18 Issue 1 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 6 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 5 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 4 Full text
Articles from section "Digital economy: theory and practice"
Tools for ensuring digital quality of life of the population in the national economy
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 3
- 147
- Pages: 57-79
The relationship of industrial digitalization with dynamic changes in the labor economy of the region in the context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0
- Year: 2025
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 1
- 4
- 127
- Pages: 7-20
Analysis of the use of digital technologies at enterprises of the shipbuilding industry of the military-industrial complex
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 27
- 424
- Pages: 23-37
Leasing business organization based on a digital platform
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 6
- 15
- 416
- Pages: 7-22
Assessment and development of economic entities of water transport under conditions of digital transformation
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 4
- 22
- 1126
- Pages: 25-52
Existential focus in the development of organizations in the transition to Industry 5.0
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 4
- 31
- 1064
- Pages: 7-24
Intellectual property protection as a key element in the development of the knowledge economy
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 39
- 1282
- Pages: 18-32
Ensuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises in the conditions of digital and ESG transformation
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 55
- 1405
- Pages: 7-17
Reference model for managing the digital transformation of an organization
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 48
- 1352
- Pages: 27-43
The formation the concept of the digital transformation of economic entities
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 2
- 51
- 1629
- Pages: 7-26
Digital development of regional transport infrastructure
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 1
- 30
- 1739
- Pages: 41-54
Forecasting models using artificial intelligence in sectoral economy
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 1
- 35
- 1858
- Pages: 27-40
Concept and essence of digitalization and digital transformation based on fundamental and applied aspects of the systems-cybernetic theory
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 1
- 96
- 2062
- Pages: 7-26
Tools for assessing digital readiness of an industrial enterprise for smart development
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 6
- 43
- 1970
- Pages: 18-31
Infocommunication platform as an integrating basis of effective regional circular ecosystems
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 6
- 32
- 1979
- Pages: 7-17
Goodwill architecture in sustainable development concept and ESG agenda
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 4
- 42
- 2353
- Pages: 41-59
Simulation modeling of business processes of industrial companies in the context of Industry 4.0
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 4
- 36
- 2894
- Pages: 26-40
Unlocking the potential of the digital economy in the EAEU countries: identifying and overcoming obstacles
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 4
- 47
- 2603
- Pages: 7-25
Degree of use of digital technologies and propensity to opportunism at Russian enterprises: results of empirical research
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 3
- 32
- 2400
- Pages: 45-62
The concept of formation of a qualified manager of the economic mechanism in the paradigm of Russia's sustainable development
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 3
- 26
- 2593
- Pages: 22-44
Development of a random forest ai based robo-advisor as a factor of increasing the investment activity of the population
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 3
- 27
- 2629
- Pages: 7-21
Research of digital transformation processes of mining and metallurgical companies of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- 42
- 2785
- Pages: 24-36
Methodological approaches to managing the development of sectoral ecosystems (on the example of the tourism industry)
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- 68
- 2831
- Pages: 7-23
Dynamics of digital skills demand in labor markets of Russian regions
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 56
- 2512
- Pages: 51-61
Innovative strategies of digital enterprises for the implementation of the sustainable development in the regions
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 37
- 3089
- Pages: 39-50
Russian practice of state regulation in digital transformation of Industry
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 69
- 2688
- Pages: 21-38
Digital ecosystem: trend in strategic development of Russian companies
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- 126
- 3563
- Pages: 7-20
Analysis of implementing digital technologies in high-tech healthcare
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 6
- 39
- 2744
- Pages: 18-32
Implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in corporate finance: classification by spheres of activity
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 6
- 163
- 3268
- Pages: 7-17
Human capital of an enterprise: a model of employee competencies in the digital world
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 53
- 2911
- Pages: 58-74
End-to-end production and management technologies: effects of industry application and potential synergy
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 51
- 3079
- Pages: 43-57
Reframing strategic management of enterprise development in the digital environment: stages and tools
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 129
- 3590
- Pages: 28-42
Digital transformation of industrial enterprises in the new reality
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 5
- 128
- 3542
- Pages: 7-27
Retrospective analysis based identification of potential sources of value and purchasing power of digital currencies
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 4
- 26
- 3228
- Pages: 21-35
Iran’s digital economy: problems and governance features
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 4
- 63
- 3248
- Pages: 7-20
Evolution of macroeconomic instability against the background of global challenges and cyclic fluctuations
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 3
- 60
- 3596
- Pages: 35-50
Features of digital interaction between government and business in the socio-economic system of the region
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 3
- 56
- 3105
- Pages: 22-34
Digitalization of services to improve the quality of social infrastructure
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 3
- 83
- 3450
- Pages: 7-21
Study on readiness of Russian regions for digital transformation
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 2
- 90
- 3835
- Pages: 22-27
Development of digital ecosystem and formation of digital platforms in Uzbekistan
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 2
- 73
- 3539
- Pages: 7-21
Risks and benefits of economy digitalization in the shadow labor market (case of Uzbekistan)
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 15
- Issue: 1
- 74
- 3720
- Pages: 7-18
The concept of innovation management of industrial systems based on digital twin technology
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 5
- 94
- 3946
- Pages: 7-23
Characteristics of vulnerability zones and threats sources for information security by the operation of unmanned vehicles in an intelligent transport system
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 4
- 58
- 3888
- Pages: 20-36
Digital traceability: concept and directions of development
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 4
- 87
- 3864
- Pages: 7-19
Factors affecting the cryptocurrency's shadow component in Russia
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 72
- 4108
- Pages: 52-61
Smart culture: problems and factors of development
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 54
- 4373
- Pages: 40-51
Neuro-digital ecosystem design technology for the implementation of the Industry 5.0 concept
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 81
- 4452
- Pages: 19-39
Evaluating the level and choosing a digitalization strategy of a higher education institution
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 3
- 60
- 4115
- Pages: 7-18
Creating a national certification system for unmanned vehicles: tasks of information security testing
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 23
- 4277
- Pages: 63-80
Relationship of digital and industrial aspects in economic research based on EconLit bibliometric analysis
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 21
- 3922
- Pages: 50-62
Strategic Development of the multi-level Socio-economic system of the State in the Digital Economy
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 58
- 4503
- Pages: 22-49
Strategizing of economic systems digital transformation: a driver on innovative development
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 2
- 116
- 4806
- Pages: 7-21
Issues of improving competitiveness of organizations in conditions of overcoming digital inequality
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 1
- 178
- 4303
- Pages: 34-46
Approaches to the development of the digital city concept: the role of the population in governance
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 1
- 50
- 4275
- Pages: 21-33
Online shopping: Factors affecting consumer's continuance intention to purchase
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 1
- 319
- 5772
- Pages: 7-20
Drivers of digital transformation of a business: Meaning, classification, key stakeholders
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 5
- 308
- 6475
- Pages: 38-49
Creation of an economic risk management system using artificial neural networks
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 5
- 42
- 4445
- Pages: 24-37
Development of intelligent transport systems in the Russian Federation: defining requirements and organizing the creation of information security testing grounds
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 5
- 70
- 4674
- Pages: 7-23
Logistic processes digitalization of Russian companies based on implementation of RFID technology
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 146
- 4832
- Pages: 36-45
Digitalization of the population as a determinant of the virtual and real labor market in a pandemic
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 60
- 4571
- Pages: 19-35
Digital potential of the construction complex: concept, essence and problems of development
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 78
- 4631
- Pages: 27-40
“The fourth industrial revolution” in the system of subject categories
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 43
- 4891
- Pages: 7-26
The role of public procurement in the digitalization of the economy and adoption of e-commerce
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 2
- 188
- 5328
- Pages: 30-39
Analysis of directions of digital technologies introduction into industrial complex
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 2
- 57
- 4508
- Pages: 18-29
Analysis of the impact of economy digitalization on labor productivity in Russia
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 2
- 282
- 6772
- Pages: 7-17
Introduction of financial technologies to improve banking services for corporate clients
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 53
- 4531
- Pages: 31-42
Digital twins of complex technical objects in industry 4.0: basic approaches
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 95
- 5049
- Pages: 20-30
Big data technologies as a national security instrument
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 77
- 4913
- Pages: 7-19
System for managing Intellectual capital in research and production organizations and clusters under digital transformation of economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 57
- 4378
- Pages: 60-74
Knowledge as factor of development in quality management system in the digital economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 34
- 4296
- Pages: 49-59
Prospects for using information technology in accounting in globalized business
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 69
- 4590
- Pages: 38-48
Digital inequality: Russia and other countries in the fourth industrial revolution
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 112
- 4906
- Pages: 26-37
Modernization of organizational mechanism and technological scheme for strategic planning based on digital governance platform
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 6
- 53
- 4618
- Pages: 7-25
Essence and prospects for development of virtual labour market in Russian Federation
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 43
- 5002
- Pages: 44-57
Development of DSS based on statistical methods for industrial enterprises in conditions of digital production
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 25
- 4367
- Pages: 33-43
Environmental component of consumer preferences forming in digital space
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 18
- 4728
- Pages: 23-32
Organizational support for the digital transformation of cooperation networks and the implementation of cyber+social systems
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 5
- 50
- 4780
- Pages: 9-22
Analysis of existing approaches to measurement of digital economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 233
- 5402
- Pages: 78-89
A comprehensive assessment of the potential «digital city»
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 25
- 4442
- Pages: 55-66
Analysis of labor activity and organizational problems in economics of joint consumption
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 27
- 4481
- Pages: 44-54
The management of business processes of the integrated structures on the principles of sharing of digital technology
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 45
- 4788
- Pages: 32-43
Analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the development of the national economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 126
- 5253
- Pages: 20-31
«Digital» economy institutional infrastructure formation in the Russian Federation
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 70
- 5345
- Pages: 9-19
Improvement of methodological approach to assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in digital economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 71
- 4958
- Pages: 47-59
Development of structural and attributive quality model of e-services based on systematization of consumer properties
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 14
- 5175
- Pages: 35-46
Problems of formation of digital economy in France
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 83
- 5748
- Pages: 20-34
Digitalization of economy based on systemic target technology of knowledge management
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 23
- 5005
- Pages: 9-19
Development of methodology for assessing digital competence levels in personnel training
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 94
- 5415
- Pages: 40-51
Opportunities and risks of collaborative consumption economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 75
- 5492
- Pages: 30-39
Development of form of interaction of participants of non-cash payments in conditions of economy digitalization
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 69
- 5676
- Pages: 19-29
Digital segment of the real economy: digital economy in the context of analog economy
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 173
- 6368
- Pages: 7-18
Features of digital control of innovative projects
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 67
- 5426
- Pages: 33-42
Functional hybrid intelligent decision making system for hard to formalize productional and economic problems
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 36
- 5615
- Pages: 21-32
Trends in the development of a risk based approach in the context of Industry 4.0
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 49
- 5747
- Pages: 9-20
Improving quality of assessing intellectual property in digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 52
- 5003
- Pages: 37-44
Digital platforms in economics: essence, models, development trends
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 1073
- 12693
- Pages: 22-36
Developing a toolbox for evaluating enterprise performance in the conditions of digital production
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 49
- 5269
- Pages: 9-21
Labor market and education in the conditions of fourth industrial revolution
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 79
- 5936
- Pages: 38-45
Economic efficiency of using the radio frequency spectrum in the evolving digital innovative economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 24
- 5454
- Pages: 22-37
Integration strategy of the enterprise under conditions of digital transformation of economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 5
- 84
- 6045
- Pages: 7-21
Development of types, objects and methods of accounting in the digital economy and information society
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 96
- 5806
- Pages: 120-131
Analysis of modern digital technologies’ implementation in the financial sphere
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 161
- 6257
- Pages: 111-119
Managing the promotion of new developments based on digital technologies
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 63
- 5597
- Pages: 100-110
Strategic and innovative development of the cluster based on the digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 27
- 5176
- Pages: 85-99
Industrial development in the conditions of digitalization of infocommunication technologies
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 30
- 5521
- Pages: 17-27
The principles of organizing the educational system for personnel training in a digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 24
- 5361
- Pages: 7-16
Trends and problems of innovative development of information and communication systems in the digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 60
- 5093
- Pages: 54-63
Features of transforming classical team building into virtual in the context of digitalization
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 65
- 5048
- Pages: 39-51
Trends and features of blockchain application in economy and finance
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 63
- 5819
- Pages: 30-38
Features, trends and principles of the formation of «smart medicine» in the digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 71
- 5481
- Pages: 19-29
Development of digital economy methods based on hybrid computing intelligence
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 69
- 4963
- Pages: 9-18
Customer-centric approach to business process management in the digital economy
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 236
- 5231
- Pages: 18-30
Ecosystem of electronic markets and its determinants
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 6
- 77
- 4936
- Pages: 9-17
Cryptocurrency and blockchain-technology in digital economy: development genesis
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 5
- 1565
- 13103
- Pages: 9-22