Environmental component of consumer preferences forming in digital space

Digital economy: theory and practice

The article is dedicated to the problem of the impact of digital technology on changing consumer preferences. We believe that the goal of achieving sustainable economic development in the context of resource-saving technologies is the key factor affecting the direction of development of the digital environment at present. The need for a reasonable compromise between maintaining the level of consumption and environmental activities mean that the environmental component has to be established as part of consumer preferences. Digital technology are used to solve environmental problems at two levels. The first level of influence of digital technologies on consumer preferences creates the digital environment itself and the institutional and technological prerequisites for its use. The consumer is involved in using the capabilities of the digital environment at the second level. The most important mechanisms of the second level are the impact on the consumer through digitalization of individual production functions, as well as various types of activities directly aimed at meeting environmental needs. The environmental component of consumer preferences forming within a separate function that has emerged as an independent type of economic activity has been considered using marketing as an example. The convergence of environmental and digital types of marketing has been confirmed. Ecosystem services also have a powerful potential for shaping the environmental component of consumer preferences. The features of ecotourism as an example of ecosystem services of a socio-cultural type have been generalized and the directions of its digitalization have been highlighted. An interpretation of internalization of external effects of consumption through routinized environmental consumer choices has been proposed. Environmental legislation and digital environmental