Database development to automate management business processes of industrial enterprises in situations of economy digitalization of the Russian Federation

Digital economy: theory and practice

In a scientific article, on the basis of the author’s classification of business processes, justified the need to create a database prototype to automate management business processes of an industrial enterprise based on the Microsoft Excel program. The relevance of the topic and research is connected with the growing interest in the intellectualization and automation of the main, auxiliary, serving, concomitant, natural and managerial business processes of an industrial enterprise. The research paper discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the automation of management business processes of an industrial enterprise in the Russian Federation. The object of the research is large industrial enterprises, which in the conditions of digitalization are more actively applying automation and robotization of processes. The purpose of the study is to develop a database for the automation of business management processes based on the Microsoft Excel program for large industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, as well as to submit the author’s classification of business processes of an industrial enterprise to the scientific community; analyze the already implemented modern applied, automated, intelligent, integrated, innovative systems of industrial enterprises. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge of the material were used: research is based on general scientific methods of knowledge, which provide for a systematic approach to the scientific problem; scientific-methodological and practical research was analyzed. Results. Within the framework of the study, a comparative description of the concept of “business process” was conducted; given the author's classification of business processes of an industrial enterprise, which includes three groups: 1) by role; 2) by degree of difficulty ; 3) depending on the purpose – which, in turn, are divided into several subgroups: functional business processes, structural business processes, monoprocesses, nested business processes, related business processes, basic business processes that support business processes and business management processes ; analysis of existing software products, automated systems, databases; the necessity of creating a prototype database for the automation of management business processes of an industrial enterprise based on the Microsoft program is justified Excel.