Creating a national certification system for unmanned vehicles: tasks of information security testing

Digital economy: theory and practice

Currently, digital technologies are penetrating all spheres of public life and are rapidly changing the economic landscape of each country. The transport industry is actively introducing technical and organizational solutions related to the creation of self-driving cars and their safe operation. The transition to the widespread introduction of unmanned vehicles is associated not only with new opportunities for personal mobility and commercial logistics, but also with the emergence of new risks of using artificial intelligence technologies in vehicle traffic control and traffic regulation systems. In this regard this study is devoted to the creation of a procedure and mechanism for state certification of unmanned vehicles. The relevance of the study is determined by the characteristics of innovative solutions in this problem area and the high social value of ensuring transport security, including the protection of information interactions within the framework of intelligent transport systems. In the course of the study, the authors have given a definition of certification of information security of vehicles. The article discusses domestic and foreign experience in building certification systems for complex technical systems, including the assessment of means and mechanisms to ensure their safe operation. An analysis of the content and process of certification of unmanned vehicles was carried out from the standpoint of verifying compliance with information security requirements. The object, subject and goals of certification of unmanned vehicles are formulated. The work defines the composition and specificity of the tasks solved in the course of certification. The characteristics of the methods and procedure for certification of unmanned vehicles are given. The structure, regulations and mechanism for certification of unmanned vehicles have been determined. Based on the results of the study, the authors substantiated recommendations for improving the institutional framework and developing organizational solutions for creating a national certification system for unmanned vehicles. It also provides a characteristic of promising research tasks in the development of methodological support for the design of test platforms. The authors proposed a set of measures for creating planning tools and conducting tests to assess compliance with information security requirements for unmanned vehicles.