A comprehensive assessment of the potential «digital city»

Digital economy: theory and practice

The article discusses the existing approaches to the allocation and evaluation of indicators of the quality of life of the «digital city». The problems in the classification of indicators are revealed. The author sees his task in the selection and justification of those indicators that reflect the potential of the «digital city», gives an example of evaluation of one of the areas, namely «smart education» as the most socially oriented. The main purpose of the study is a comprehensive assessment of the potential to improve the quality of life of the population, expressed in raising public awareness, technical, software, quality of mobile applications, electronic libraries, access to education, etc. The author sees his task in the selection and justification of those indicators that reflect the direction of development of «smart city», namely «smart medicine», «smart transport», «smart environment», «smart technologies» and others. The main objective of the development of «smart city» as a socio-economic system is, in our opinion, to improve the quality of life of the population, expressed in increasing the average life expectancy, income growth, quality of food, health and others. plannings. In modern society, in accordance with the development strategy, which is determined by the Federal authorities and the regional government, there is a need for regular monitoring of changes in the quality of life of the population as an important criterion for the effective management of any settlement, city, region. Monitoring today is one of the main parts of any project, as monitoring and evaluation of results is no less important than the result of implementation. Moreover, a comprehensive assessment of all areas of development of the «digital city» reveals the unevenness, and sometimes a sharp lag in any direction from the rest, which reduces the effectiveness of the development of the whole system. The provision of services to the population through the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) creates a sustainable environment that improves the quality of life. To improve the performance of these indicators allows a comprehensive assessment and constant monitoring of the development.