The concept of formation of a qualified manager of the economic mechanism in the paradigm of Russia's sustainable development

Digital economy: theory and practice

The systemic, paradigm crisis that has engulfed civilization today determines the need for a deep qualitative reorganization of the economic and managerial mechanism of Russian society. The most important and priority task in this regard is the formation of a "corps of qualified managers". To effectively solve the problem of forming a corps of qualified managers, a deep, integrated reform of science, education and industry with access to new factors of economic growth is necessary. The most important of the subtasks here is the formation of a “Smart (intelligent, digital) university” 4.0, which, in turn, should act as an element of the scientific and technological collaboration “University-Science Research Organizations-Industry” (University-SRO-Industry). The aim of the study is to develop a concept for the formation of a qualified manager of the economic mechanism by the forces of the Russian University 4.0, which is an element of the University-SRO-Industry collaboration. The development of the topic was carried out in the system paradigm, namely, the most important provisions of the theory of systems and the system approach applied to the analysis and modeling of social systems were used. The key results containing scientific novelty and having practical significance include: Firstly, the development and refinement of a number of concepts in the system paradigm, including: “system development”, “system sustainable development”, “system functioning”, “system functional efficiency”, and others. Secondly, the development of a concept for the formation of a qualified manager of the economic mechanism of Russia by the University 4.0. The concept substantiates approaches to a radical increase in the level of scientific character of university management education. The analysis carried out and the proposed solutions open up opportunities for reforming university education in management specialties, and will also be useful for the formation of the University 4.0 development program and for the sovereignization of homeland education in general. It should be noted that for the effective implementation of the above proposals, research should be continued, firstly, in the direction of clarifying and detailing the stated provisions, and secondly, in the field of assessing the possibility of embedding the proposed models in the macro-organizational structure of the university 4.0.