Features of digital interaction between government and business in the socio-economic system of the region

Digital economy: theory and practice

This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the systems of digital interaction between authorities and representatives of the business sector in various regions of Russia. The selection of territorial units for analysis was carried out by rating the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the level of development of public-private partnership. For each region, an organizational structure of digital interaction between authorities and business figures was formed with the designation of the electronic and digital tools used. The analysis of each system of digital interaction was accompanied by a study of the regional institutional environment: the article presents facts from the practices of public-private cooperation for each studied territorial entity. A comparative assessment of the experience of interaction between regional authorities and business representatives in the joint implementation of social and economic projects proves the asynchrony of the development of local economies and the uneven digitalization of regional management processes, and also causes the underdevelopment of forms of digital interaction in certain regions of the country. Thus, in subjects with a developed system of public-private partnership, there is an active penetration of digital technologies into the processes of social and economic cooperation between government authorities and local representatives of the business sector. Such regions, as a rule, maintain a qualitatively high level of information support for citizens (in particular, business figures) in the electronic environment. Territorial subjects of the Russian Federation with an actively developing system of digital government at the local level are an absolute minority. To a greater extent, the interaction between government and business in the regions is implemented through basic electronic tools and is not a fully automated process. The nature of the use of information technology is more often formal or organizational, as well as one-sided, which does not involve a direct dialogue between government and business structures in the electronic environment. The study of the features of digital interaction between government and business in the socio-economic system of a territorial entity also showed that regional public authorities with a fictitious institution of public-private partnership do not have actual experience in implementing joint projects with representatives of the business sector in an electronic digital format.