Publication schedule
  • №5 October 2024
    Submission deadline: 10 September 2024
  • №6 December 2024
    Submission deadline: 8 November 2024

Articles by keywords "PROJECT"

Model of justification of project portfolio characteristics based on binary optimization tools

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2024
  • Volume: 17
  • Issue: 2
  • 15
  • 638
  • Pages: 176-189

Digital innovation: essential characteristics and features

Digital technologies and innovations in intelligent economy
  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 16
  • Issue: 5
  • 59
  • 1695
  • Pages: 51-62

Measures minimizing the negative impact of import substitution in the implementation of high-speed railway projects

Economy and management of enterprise and complexes
  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 16
  • Issue: 4
  • 13
  • 1898
  • Pages: 108-120

Comprehensive risk assessment model for an industrial park project

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 16
  • Issue: 1
  • 43
  • 2043
  • Pages: 114-127

Integrated matric of risk measurement of R&D projects under conditions of uncertainty

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 15
  • Issue: 3
  • 57
  • 2899
  • Pages: 81-96

Implementation of entrepreneurship acceleration services in the federal project: the problem of comprehensiveness and expansion of the approach

  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 15
  • Issue: 2
  • 21
  • 2152
  • Pages: 79-88

Express evaluation methods for creating small and medium business projects

  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 15
  • Issue: 1
  • 39
  • 2357
  • Pages: 66-79

Features of applying modified model of logistic dynamics for an industrial enterprise implementing investment projects

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 4
  • 26
  • 2836
  • Pages: 122-132

Quantitative risk assessment of investment projects using digital technologies

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 3
  • 108
  • 3671
  • Pages: 125-137

Method for managing risks related to non-fulfillment of large energy facilities constructions projects on time

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 1
  • 50
  • 3396
  • Pages: 109-121

Risk assessment of innovative project based on the synthesis of fuzzy set methods and hierarchy analysis

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 6
  • 69
  • 3686
  • Pages: 66-78

Technique for optimizing a set of tools to improve the efficiency of a business system

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 5
  • 26
  • 3442
  • Pages: 95-105

Evaluating the effectiveness of investing in human capital under digital transformation of economy

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 3
  • 114
  • 4311
  • Pages: 174-186

Priorities of investment policy of the state in the system of ensuring economic security of the real sector of the economy

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 1
  • 80
  • 4180
  • Pages: 55-64

Prospects for development of public'private partnership within the framework of potential for forming logistic system in Republic of Belarus

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 6
  • 10
  • 3629
  • Pages: 75-84

Implementation of validation activities by management of quality tools for digitalization

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 5
  • 14
  • 4213
  • Pages: 187-198

Investigating the influence of accrued expenses on the earned value analysis of a project

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 2
  • 21
  • 4173
  • Pages: 103-111

Efficiency analysis algorithm and selection of significant investment and construction projects

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 1
  • 20
  • 4438
  • Pages: 183-190

Features of digital control of innovative projects

Digital economy: theory and practice
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 1
  • 65
  • 4737
  • Pages: 33-42

Planning and monitoring the implementation of the project on economic security of the organization

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 6
  • 17
  • 4036
  • Pages: 172-182

Development of public-private partnerships in St. Petersburg

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 6
  • 17
  • 4323
  • Pages: 87-100

Development of project approach to the organization of personnel training process of the enterprise

Economy and management of the enterprise and clusters
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • 15
  • 4279
  • Pages: 142-149

Toolkit for selection by venture fund of innovative projects

Conference "Innovative economy and industrial policy of the region"
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5186
  • Pages: 296-306

Tools for management of project expenses

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5190
  • Pages: 240-246

Features of financing of investitsionno-innovative projects in the conditions of limitation of financial resources

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5351
  • Pages: 174-176

The economic estimation efficiency of introduction bank cards in payment system at the enterprise

The finance, taxes and book keeping
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 4870
  • Pages: 134-137

Evaluation of innovation projects based on real options

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 6
  • 3
  • 3724
  • Pages: 182-186

Approaches for evaluating the infrastructure subjects of the municipal knowledge market

Sustainable Economic Growth
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 4
  • 5
  • 4067
  • Pages: 228-237

The principles of organizing the educational system for personnel training in a digital economy

Digital economy: theory and practice
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • 24
  • 4603
  • Pages: 7-16

Development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region based on a higher education institution: solving the problem of personnel training

Innovations management
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • 36
  • 4389
  • Pages: 136-145

Conceptual approach for forming projects of public-private partnership in the industry

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • 58
  • 4207
  • Pages: 82-90

Creation and development of a free economic zone in the Republic of Crimea: analysis and monitoring of activities

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • 161
  • 4128
  • Pages: 72-81

Evaluation of backsourcing efficiency using the discounting cash flows method

Innovations management
  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 1
  • 234
  • 4760
  • Pages: 146-154

The system of balanced indicators evaluation and the tools for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 6
  • 156
  • 4418
  • Pages: 228-235

Service-oriented approach for architecture solutions analysis

Strategic and Enterprise Planning
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 4
  • 227
  • 4117
  • Pages: 162-172

Strategic aspects of the enterprise development project selection: models and instruments

Theory of Strategic Planning
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 4
  • 334
  • 4435
  • Pages: 135-146

A method of assessing the capacity of industrial enterprises of the region for financial self-sufficiency of innovative activity

Innovation management and finance
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 3
  • 154
  • 4273
  • Pages: 130-138

Trends of public-private partnership evolution in Russia and in the world

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 3
  • 225
  • 4862
  • Pages: 19-28

Strategic business areas as a mechanism for coordinating stakeholder interests when managing a company’s project portfolio

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 2
  • 188
  • 4328
  • Pages: 60-68

On developing territorial clusters within innovation systems

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 2
  • 235
  • 4451
  • Pages: 51-59

Network modelling of the process of managing investment planning and its applications

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 6
  • 293
  • 4370
  • Pages: 233-244

Risk as an economic category for justifying the development trends of high information technologies

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 6
  • 187
  • 4075
  • Pages: 91-99

IT projects feasibility assessment as an alternative to economic efficiency assessment

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 5
  • 378
  • 4752
  • Pages: 81-89

Evaluation of innovative projects’ economic efficiency in strategic planning (the case of technology «Wisesoil»)

Strategic and Enterprise Planning
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 4
  • 556
  • 4573
  • Pages: 214-224

Institutional aspects of spending on human capital and training in estimation of investment projects

The finance, taxation, investments
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 3
  • 3
  • 4091
  • Pages: 177-191

Influence of innovation project financing ways on the share price

The finance, taxation, investments
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 3
  • 375
  • 4895
  • Pages: 154-163

Cluster initiatives in the economy: trends and issues of implementation

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 3
  • 307
  • 4686
  • Pages: 52-62

Business architecture maturity management

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 2
  • 638
  • 4725
  • Pages: 109-117

The enhancement of approach to efficiency estimation of energy-saving projects in the petroleum refining

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 2
  • 339
  • 4237
  • Pages: 76-84

Types and characteristics of project management in the service

Innovations management
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 1
  • 2142
  • 7329
  • Pages: 118-125

Mechanisms of interaction between the state and business on priority innovation projects

Innovations management
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 1
  • 615
  • 5156
  • Pages: 102-110

Risk management of the oil and gas investment projects

  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 6
  • 471
  • 4082
  • Pages: 215-223

On efficacy estimation of the capital investment projects in transport construction

The finance, taxation, investments
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 6
  • 349
  • 4460
  • Pages: 171-178

The influence of cash flow probability character on investment projects assessment

Finance and investments
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 5
  • 395
  • 4511
  • Pages: 129-135

Process and project orientation of the organization as a management strategy

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 5
  • 361
  • 4811
  • Pages: 115-122

Optimizing the structure of an investment program with reinvestments

Strategic and Enterprise Planning
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 3
  • 461
  • 4736
  • Pages: 171-182

The basic stages of the choice of tools of management of projects

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5127
  • Pages: 245-250

State-private partnership: perspectives of practice in regions

Regional economy
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5135
  • Pages: 99-102

Features of investment activity of the enterprise in the conditions of crisis

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5154
  • Pages: 186-189

The analysis of methods and approaches to the estimation of efficiency of innovations

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5471
  • Pages: 179-185

Analysis of evolution of project finance at the example of foreign experience

The finance, innovations and investments
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 2
  • 1464
  • 5995
  • Pages: 166-171

Integrating the elements of risk management in enterprise development projects

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 2
  • 474
  • 4747
  • Pages: 105-113

The formation of the effective mechanism of public private partnership in St. Petersburg in realization of socially significant projects

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 2
  • 4
  • 3565
  • Pages: 38-47

Estimation and ways of decrease in risks of innovative activity of the enterprises

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5237
  • Pages: 218-222

Realization of regional investment projects with use of the mechanism of state-private partnership

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 4854
  • Pages: 213-217

The concept of business planning in the technological chain of production

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5181
  • Pages: 151-156

Development state-quotient partnership in oil-gaz industry of Kazakhstan

Conference "Innovative economy and industrial policy of the region"
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5316
  • Pages: 307-312

Risks of the project financing in russia

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5452
  • Pages: 26-29

tages of life cycle of the investment project of enterprise structure on the basis of principles risk - management

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 4926
  • Pages: 144-149

Regarding the question of investment project management improvement at agro-industrial complex enterprises

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5098
  • Pages: 105-117

Model of innovation project effectiveness evaluation

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 4986
  • Pages: 163-170

Influence of innovations to economy of enterprises

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5240
  • Pages: 58-63

Systematics of the risk factors of investment activities of business structures

  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5468
  • Pages: 233-239

Formation of the basic components and factors of fair market value of the innovative enterprise

The finance, taxes and book keeping
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 4795
  • Pages: 210-215

Specificity of investment of the innovative portfolio of the industrial enterprise

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5319
  • Pages: 187-190

To the question on economic efficiency innovative of activity of the enterprise

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5118
  • Pages: 178-183

Quality of information in investment real estate projects

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 1
  • 354
  • 4611
  • Pages: 139-145

The specialty of effectiveness analysis of investment projects in imperfect  markets

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 1
  • 519
  • 4688
  • Pages: 133-138

Innovative-educational cluster as an effective mechanism of regional innovation system development

Economy and management in education
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 6
  • 533
  • 4227
  • Pages: 173-178

The integration of the project management approach into the business architecture model of the company.

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 6
  • 520
  • 4148
  • Pages: 74-82

Strategies of organisations behaviour in a changing environment

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 6
  • 552
  • 4225
  • Pages: 60-66

Analysis ofthe financial features of models producing innovation it-projects (case of mobile games)

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 5
  • 411
  • 4427
  • Pages: 97-102

The directions of improvement of the existing  system of financing of construction and home ownership

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 5
  • 442
  • 4358
  • Pages: 47-53

Рrinciples ANDmethods OF THEorganization OF consulting activity

Business and marketing
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5096
  • Pages: 182-188

Features of the sensitivity analysis of the investment project for risk

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5528
  • Pages: 124-126

Evaluation component risk discount rate when evaluating the performance investment projects

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 3
  • 2
  • 5240
  • Pages: 114-118

The mathematical modelling of the optimum structure of investment project's financial sources

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5143
  • Pages: 178-180

Integration of information systems of project management and financial monitoring

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5143
  • Pages: 131-135

Method of aggregate risk estimation in value terms

Business and marketing
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 5045
  • Pages: 170-172

Transportation planning systems and economic evaluation of transport projects

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 6
  • 1
  • 5371
  • Pages: 291-295

Schemes of note accounts implementation in project financing

The finance and credit
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5296
  • Pages: 184-190

Working out of innovative projects of development of resource base of sphere of social services

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 4996
  • Pages: 124-129

Issues of the research of the scope,the structure and the dynamics of the foreign investments into the economy of Russia

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5361
  • Pages: 9-13

Features of application of technologies of management of projects with use of the situational approach (on an example of high school)

Economy and management in education
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5119
  • Pages: 242-245

System analyze methodology application for control enterprise innovation

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5211
  • Pages: 215-221

Approaches to risk management real estate development projects

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5487
  • Pages: 170-173

Features of management of investment and innovative projects

Innovations and investments
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 5
  • 1
  • 5526
  • Pages: 194-197

Features of use of the situational approach in the intellectual organizations

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 5167
  • Pages: 130-133

Essence and methods of management of regional investment!innovation projects in the North-West

Regional economy
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 4898
  • Pages: 53-58

The system of strategic management of innovation activity of industrial enterprises: components and features of functioning

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 4
  • 514
  • 4632
  • Pages: 66-71

The  development  of  cooperation  between  the  state  and  business  in  a  mixed  economy

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 4
  • 456
  • 4671
  • Pages: 9-16

Economic aspects of improvement of system menedzhenta of quality the organizations on the basis of outsourcing

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 4574
  • Pages: 167-170

Organization of reburning fuel during the decommissioning power block of nuclear power station

Branch economy
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 3791
  • Pages: 19-22

Organisation of the operational analysis and internal control of the  innovation-investment projects realization

Management of innovations and investments
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 3929
  • Pages: 141-145

The use of instruments of publicprivate partnership in strategic investment projects  for the development of the regional economy

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 4042
  • Pages: 38-41

Project management progress in russia and abroad

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 3832
  • Pages: 22-27

Efficiency in cogeneration plant development with the use of public – private partnership  mechanism

Management of innovations and investments
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 6
  • 2
  • 3692
  • Pages: 153-157

Model and algorithms for choosing an outsourcing company for designing objects energy

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 3503
  • Pages: 125-130

Features of the attitude of students of high school to changes

Economy and management in education
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 1
  • 514
  • 4621
  • Pages: 174-178

Project management optimization through integration of Agile approach

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 1
  • 443
  • 4385
  • Pages: 80-83

Some issues of the formation of engineering companies’ architecture

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 1
  • 558
  • 4534
  • Pages: 48-54

Choice of optimum model investment projects efficiency evaluation

Management of innovations and investments
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 2
  • 1012
  • 5017
  • Pages: 105-109