Risk as an economic category for justifying the development trends of high information technologies

Economy and management of the enterprise

The modern concept of knowledge economy reflects new developments in economics, with the concept of economic growth as a function of capital accumulation and effective use undergoing significant changes. Knowledge is the most stable kind of information in the face of uncertainty and the constant evolution of the methods of point destructive impact on the decision-making process. In a knowledge economy, information, quality of information and knowledge are the crucial elements defining the concept of risk. We propose using a complex of mathematical methods of the fuzzy measures theory for risk assessment, which are used to establish a procedure (function or algorithm) linking the indicators of quality of information for each indicator in the form of plausible linguistic judgments, with an integral indicator for evaluating the success of the project lifecycle. The availability of incorrect hypotheses in decision-making and management is doing more harm than their absence. At the same time, because an economic system develops unevenly, there is always the accumulated knowledge of past developments and the tested results of ongoing and future projects. As the existing research shows, a significant proportion of the developed modern technologies associated with the production of information and knowledge belongs to transnational corporations. Given that these companies own global information and telecommunications networks, the information flow within these networks and the quality of information within these flows, as well as entire software and hardware systems for providing information services, we can conclude that the provision of information and knowledge will actually take place according to the laws and the conditions determined by the developers and owners of networks and technologies. The article considers the complex of methods that is used to assess and mitigate risks in the performance of information science-intensive projects in the area of ​​electronic monitoring.