The system of balanced indicators evaluation and the tools for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects

Economic & mathematical methods and models

urrently, the main objective for enterprises is to maintain competitiveness while preserving financial stability. One of the main methods for achieving the desired position on the domestic and foreign markets is making successful investments in projects that generate stable profits in the short term. A feature of the investment projects of industrial enterprises is a significant initial investment and a long payback period. Enterprises need to properly justify the choice of the invested project to receive state support in the form of subsidies. In addition, considering innovative projects as the best options for investment, a significant level of risk should be taken into account. The relevance of the article’s subject is that at the moment there is no universal method for evaluating innovative projects that can give a definite result. The most common expert evaluation method gives a subjective result based on the personal opinions of experts which may not coincide. The article describes the hierarchy analysis method as a tool for comparative evaluation of innovative projects. The method is based on a system of common criteria and allows the series to make a comparison of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of innovative projects on the basis of objective calculations and expert assessments, which simplifies the process of analysis and increases the accuracy of the estimate. The article discusses an opportunity to analyze the system of project indicators which is a hierarchy of criteria distributed over large groups. This article includes an example of substantiating the choice of one of the three innovative projects based in the Ufa Engine Industrial Association, PJSC. The article highlights the advantages of using this method