Publication schedule
№2 April 2025Submission deadline: 10 March 2025
№3 June 2025Submission deadline: 1 May 2025
Articles by keywords "innovative development"
Stages of the process of strategic human resource management in innovative enterprises
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 4
- 64
- 1119
- Pages: 95-108
Development of a method of assessing the level of the region's innovation development
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- 35
- 2539
- Pages: 75-86
Transformation of the university model as an element of the regional innovation system
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 14
- Issue: 4
- 42
- 3398
- Pages: 95-109
Key technological competencies as a factor of innovative development of the region...
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 6
- 37
- 4183
- Pages: 20-30
Innovative development of a region: Essential Architecture of indicators
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 5
- 80
- 4762
- Pages: 50-64
Economic and mathematical modeling of management of labor resources distribution at enterprises
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 39
- 4805
- Pages: 125-131
Development of a synergetic research environment for modeling complex productive and economic systems
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 25
- 4622
- Pages: 112-120
Financial credit component of the innovation infrastructure in russian regions:problems and solutions
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 15
- 5176
- Pages: 70-84
Methodical approaches to innovative development management of advertising companiesin digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 6
- 20
- 4605
- Pages: 153-163
Assessment of the degree of sustainability of innovative development of industrial enterprises in the region on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 10
- 4732
- Pages: 112-123
Algorithm for determination of innovative development parameters of telecommunication enterprises
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 18
- 4570
- Pages: 251-262
Trends and problems of innovative development of information and communication systems in the digital economy
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 60
- 5029
- Pages: 54-63
A new quality in the management of sustainable development of entrepreneurial structures
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 4
- 94
- 4642
- Pages: 136-145
Innovative development of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of disruptive technologies
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 272
- 5372
- Pages: 47-56
The business model for implementing the strategic plan of innovative enterprise development based on the scenario approach
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 4
- 326
- 4802
- Pages: 280-291
Analysis of the factors affecting innovative development of the regions of the Russian Federation
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 4
- 271
- 5135
- Pages: 98-108
Innovative development of the region on the basis of economics of quality tools application
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 10
- 4951
- Pages: 29-37
Target priorities and reference points of the state program of import substitution in mechanical engineering
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 1
- 335
- 4988
- Pages: 182-191
The basic conditions for the implementation of strategies, strategic plans and projectsи by innovatively
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4
- 426
- 4840
- Pages: 157-166
Problems of innovative activity intensification of the investment and construction complex
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 423
- 5612
- Pages: 114-123
Methodological guidelines on human capital management within the concept of innovative development of the industry-specific economic system
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 324
- 5022
- Pages: 126-134
Mechanisms of interaction between the state and business on priority innovation projects
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 615
- 5763
- Pages: 102-110
Studying the possibility for the russian economy to change over the innovation-oriented development model
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 437
- 5290
- Pages: 84-92
Spatial aspects of russian economic growth: analysis and evaluation of innovation component
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 444
- 5321
- Pages: 18-32
Problems of using intellectual potential as condition of Ukrainian enterprises’ innovative development
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 313
- 4958
- Pages: 133-142
Innovative potential as a factor competitive development of region
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 4
- 538
- 5551
- Pages: 110-119
Approaches to development of innovative strategy of regional developmen
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5500
- Pages: 43-48
Stages of formation of the innovative infrastructure of the industrial complex of region
- Year: 2009
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5893
- Pages: 48-52
Estimation of efficiency of realization of the control system of innovative development of the industrial complex of region
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5638
- Pages: 166-172
Perspective of innovative development of the enterprise structures
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 321
- 4382
- Pages: 214-217
Quality of life of the population as a problem of innovation development metropolis
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 5
- 4733
- Pages: 176-181
System of monitoring, evaluation and management of Russian regions innovative development
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 6
- 576
- 5588
- Pages: 90-95
Formation model of innovation and business development system
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 5
- 806
- 5438
- Pages: 143-150
The model of management process energysaving and development of the scenarioes innovative developments housing-public complex
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 6058
- Pages: 162-168
The mechanism of forming innovative-investment development of the versatile company
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5645
- Pages: 106-108
The principles of the development of motivation system of innovation and investment activity of industrial enterprises
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 6
- 0
- 5991
- Pages: 138-141
To the question on innovative processes in vocational education
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5523
- Pages: 304-307
Innovations in the fuel and energy complex: factors and development tools
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 5663
- Pages: 209-214
Some aspects of working out and realization of the information-research portal «Innovative development of regions»
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 5
- 0
- 5624
- Pages: 46-54
The mechanism of forming and realizing innovative-investment development of the industrial company
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 1
- 4065
- Pages: 84-92
The conception of formation of corporate innovation strategies
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 3918
- Pages: 77-83
Innovative development of pharmaceutical industry in Russia: problems and prospects
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 1
- 4534
- Pages: 60-63
Problems of innovative development of enterprises and foreign trade activities in Russia
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 1
- 421
- 4814
- Pages: 97-103
Elements of publicprivate partnership as a mechanism innovation economy
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 1
- 1389
- 5839
- Pages: 31-38