Methods and approaches of forming the state industrial policy

Formation of the state industrial policy

The defining modern vector of global development is focused on the widespread transition to an innovative economy. In Russia there was a consensus of government, business and society about gradually moving from a commodity-based economy to an innovative orientation while maintaining the benefits of the fuel and energy sector. At the same time, the specific mechanisms for such a transition are not yet sufficiently clear, and the theoretical, methodological and instrumental framework of the transformation of the economy has not been developed, especially in the long-term period in what concerns the formation of theoretical and methodological bases of planning the development of the national economy and its constituent economic systems. One of the decisive factors of the planned transition is the development of the concept of forming a strategy for the scientifically justified industrial development based on the methodology of cluster economy in combination with elements of the program target of indicative planning and budgeting, as well as the formation of strategic innovation-industrial complexes. It is also necessary to consider the aspects of establishing national and regional innovation systems using the approaches to managing the innovative potential of economic systems and state management of the scientific-industrial-educational complex with the use of elements and principles of the public-private partnership (PPP). The authors note that for developing the innovative economy in Russia, it is necessary to form and substantiate an effective public policy for reindustrialization of the industry in the context of globalization, to transform the structure of the national economy, to introduce high-tech industries and innovative enterprises taking into account the processes of import substitution and the unstable dynamically developing environment, with the aim of raising the competitiveness level of the industries and, on this basis, increasing the level of innovative potential and socio-economic development of regions of Russia. The authors highlight the tasks of industrial policy, which are: encouraging the technological modernization of industrial enterprises in the country, modernization of fixed assets; creating the conditions for realization of the results of intellectual activity in the industrial enterprises, expanding the production of innovative products; developing not only production but also the innovation potential of industrial enterprises, clusters and the integrated industrial structures of the country; increasing the share of production with high added in-country value, supporting export of such products. It is noted in the paper that for the formation and implementation of state industrial policy, a variety of methods and approaches are used, the analysis of which is presented in the work.