Strategic and innovative development of the cluster based on the digital economy

Digital economy: theory and practice

The creation of qualitative system of innovative development and management of economic system on the example of a cluster cause the relevance of the study. Rather much attention in many countries is paid to a research of this problem of management, both strategic development of the production cluster and the adoption of the optimal solution. Development of the enterprise or the corporation (cluster) are defined by new technology solutions which are presented, both on informational (statistical), and at the organizational level, including to works in which the considerable attention is paid to extensive and intensive factors of development of production. The aim of the work is mathematical and informational statement of the problem of strategic and innovative development of the cluster (digital economy), including reporting and technological information on production organization; the solution of this problem and formation of «The strategic development plan for a cluster in dynamics for several years». For this, we developed mathematical model of a cluster (corporation) using the mathematical models of innovative development of the production enterprise developed earlier. The mathematical model of a cluster considers both extensive and intensive factors of development of production. Input data for the mathematical model of a cluster are, firstly, accounting information (i.e. the reporting information provided, for example, in «1C: Enterprise 8.3»), and, secondly, technological information on preparation and organization of production. In total accounting and technological information is characterized as «digital economy». We constructed the mathematical model of a cluster in the form of a vector problem of the linear programming. The vector problem is solved with use of the algorithm based on normalization of criteria and on the principle of guaranteed result. As a result, «The strategic development of a cluster in dynamics for several years» is presented by digital values of optimum volumes of production and the corresponding socio-economic indexes of corporation. These stages of work in general represent «Methodology of simulation and optimal decision making in the creation of the strategic development plan for a cluster» where its development is shown in dynamics taking into account extensive and intensive factors, and which can be used in practice.