Model for supplier selection during technical re-equipment of the enterprise

Economy and management of the enterprise

To date, as a result of low investment activity of business structures in the Russian Federation, the processes of reproduction and renewal of fixed assets have been underfinanced for a long time in many industries and sectors of economy. As a result, the fixed assets of the industry have a wear level of more than 50%, and the wear level of the productive facilities of enterprises reaches 90% in some sectors, the rate of retirement varies within 2-3%, the rate of renewal does not exceed 1%. Only 10-15% of fixed assets in industry correspond to the world level. Considering the wear, tear and obsolescence level of fixed assets, enterprises need to carry out technical re-equipment. However, the process of technical re-equipment is rather problematic. One of the main problems during technical re-equipment is the choice of equipment supplier based on certain criteria. In the course of this choice, as a rule, enterprises face internal divergences of opinion of key managers on the desirability of choosing a supplier. The solution to this problem is creating a full-fledged mathematical model for choosing a supplier of equipment, which allows using different criteria for expert evaluation of suppliers, take into account their importance, and as a result give a full and comprehensive assessment of the supplier in view of all the opinions of the company's management. Based on this, this paper presents the economic and mathematical model, which, based on the mathematical apparatus, will be intuitively understandable and easily applicable in the process of technological re-equipment of the enterprise. Using this model will allow to simplify the selection of the equipment supplier and to reduce the time it takes to make a decision about the purchase. The model is based on the method of expert evaluations of suppliers by certain criteria. The weight of each criterion is determined using the method of pairwise comparison of criteria based on a fixed preference. The presented model, if used correctly, will help the enterprise to conduct analysis and selection of suppliers of process equipment, based on the knowledge and opinions of its employees (experts). Additionally, it is worth noting that the option of quickly determining the opinions of experts makes it possible to minimize the time it takes to make a decision on the choice of supplier. In the future, this model can be implemented in the information infrastructure of the enterprise.