Strategic planning for enterpises entering foreign markets enterprises in a new economic reality

Strategic planning of the development of economic systems

In the conditions of sanctions from the West and overall crisis of instability, the authors consider it useful to focus not only on import substitution inside the country but also on finding alternatives for entry into foreign markets. With this in mind, it is of interest to carry out export and import transactions in the markets of the BRICS, EurAsEC, Central and Southeast Asian countries, and in other potentially attractive regions. Successfully entering these markets provides a comprehensive strategic analysis of the international environment, its main features and favorable factors. Well-founded choice of optimal strategies is also of great importance for foreign economic activity of enterprises, access to foreign markets and their subsequent development. Implementation of these strategies requires the development of a set of strategic planning documents, where the role of the driver should be played by strategic marketing plans. In accordance with these strategies, communication campaigns using modern marketing and digital technologies, as well as the Internet environment: mobile marketing, social network marketing, viral marketing, neuromarketing, celebrity marketing, product placement, etc., should play a special role in capturing foreign consumer segments. To reconcile the whole system of measures for strategic planning for entering foreign markets, multivariate and step-by-step road mapping will be required. In order to prevent excessive risks and dangers in a complex international environment, it is necessary to create a special operational management system in emergency situations. The authors consider the directions for further research: application of methods of mathematical and simulation modeling to substantiate the selection and evaluation of the effectiveness of strategies for entering foreign markets; verification of road maps for the main options for the companies’ actions abroad using computer technologies; forecasting the situational risks of Russian enterprises in conditions of instability in international markets; justifying the possibility of expanding the range of digital technologies used to support the process of entering and following foreign markets.