The impact of public-private partnerships on the development of communicative environment of innovative economy

Regional and branch economy

The paper examines the impact of public-private partnership on the economy growth factors associated with communications and the possibility of the existing PPP centers to run functions of communication centers. The study draws a model of public-private partnership system based on the background of causing one other economic growth factors that are related to the open communicative innovation economy. The model shows the appearance of axis «Communication» – «partnership» – «innovation» – «development» on the basis of a long-term relationship of trust within the PPP between the subjects of the state and business. This relationship enhance the mutual dependence of subjects and the intensity of the exchange of information and thus become, communication – active. As part of the bunch «communication» – «partnership» the features of the mutual initiative in PPP-projects and the essential nature of PPP are described. The characteristics and objectives of PPP development in Russia are examined on the background of analysis of partnership between the state and the private sector in a number of economies in the world. The medium and long term factors are revealed, preventing the increase of the level of involvement of private funds – both from domestic and foreign investors – in relation to public spending, and in relation to GDP. The importance of the international dimension of PPP development in Russia on the basis of the available Russian experience is pointed: concession agreements with foreign investors, are historically one of the key tools to attract foreign investment. It is concluded that in the view of innovative development of Russian economy the development of PPPs strategies should include orientation on the external international partners. An approach is suggested to the study of issues of coordination of the development of PPPs with long-term priorities of innovative development of the economy through the system of communication centers. An assessment of compliance is made of the functions ran by PPP centers operating today to the set of functions and features that are related to the concept of communication centers of innovation infrastructure. The study suggests a method of calculation of the integrated economic effect from the involvement of foreign partners into the joint activity on creation of an innovative product under the PPP. It was concluded that such an effect will be one of particular indicators of the effectiveness of communication in innovation, which arises due to the international nature of cooperation within PPP.