Submission contents and structure

Publication schedule
  • №2 April 2025
    Submission deadline: 10 March 2025
  • №3 June 2025
    Submission deadline: 1 May 2025
  • №4 August 2025
    Submission deadline: 2 June 2025
  • №5 October 2025
    Submission deadline: 10 September 2025
  • №6 December 2025
    Submission deadline: 3 November 2025

Submission contents and structure

"π-Economy" accepts original research articles and reviews. Submissions should be original previously unpublished works that have not been submitted for publication to any other journal. All articles should comply with the journal’s ethical guidelines.

Submissions should contain new research findings, obtained by the authors, of interest to the international research community.

The Editorial Office reviews only those submissions that comply with the international IMRAD standard:

1. Introduction. This section begins with the relevance of the study. It presents a short review of Russian and foreign sources that allows the reader to understand the up-to-date state the research field, as well as confirms the presence of the unresolved problem. The literature review should reflect the predecessors’ studies the article is based on, the presence of the problem unresolved in the previous studies. Next, the authors formulate the object and the subject of the research.

2. Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study should be closely related to the title and reflect the solution to the problem set in the Introduction. Here, the authors can also briefly list the tasks of the study: the generalized stages to achieve the goal.

3. Methods. This section describes the source materials (for example, statistical data, poll results, etc.; for review articles: literature selected using specific criteria) and a sequence of the related actions to achieve the goal. If the methods applied are standard (correlation analysis, Markov chains, etc.), it is sufficient to name them only; if the authors altered the standard methods, they need to comment on the changes.

4. Results and Discussion. The obtained results, their interpretation and systematization. Comparison to the results obtained by other authors with an additional reference to their publications.

5. Conclusions. A list of the main results with the indication of their novelty (preferably a numbered one). The results should logically correspond to the purpose and tasks stated in the beginning of the article. After that, the authors briefly draw the conclusions in the form of 1-2 paragraphs of text, which contain generalized results of the scientific research.

6. Directions for further research. The section identifies the directions and areas of the study that allow the authors or other researchers to develop the topic presented in the article.

7. Acknowledgements. This unessential section is included if required. It may be the case if the submission was prepared in the frame of grants, state assignments, etc. The authors use it to express their gratitude for any financial, informational and other kind of support they received in the course of writing the article. They can also thank any consultants, experts and other specialists who contributed to preparation, editing, and translation of the article.

The following data are uploaded separately through the E-Submission system:

  • article title in Russian and English;
  • abstract in Russian and English (abstract preparation guidelines);
  • keywords in Russian and English;
  • references in Cyrillic and Latin characters (citation guidelines);
  • information about any funding sources (if any).

Research papers should be kept to a maximum of 12–17 A4 pages (including figures), review papers – up to 25 pages. The maximum number of figures (diagrams, graphs, images, photographs, etc.) should not exceed 6.

Manuscript preparation guidelines can be found here.