Publication schedule
  • №5 October 2024
    Submission deadline: 10 September 2024
  • №6 December 2024
    Submission deadline: 8 November 2024

Articles by keywords "ROFITABILITY"

Methodological approach to estimation of the aviation engine-building industry (on the example of the enterprises of UEC)

Finance and investments
  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 1
  • 33
  • 3319
  • Pages: 58-74

Theoretical aspects of innovative development in conditions of economic modernization: tendencies, analyses and future opportunities

Theoretical bases of economics and management
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 2
  • 52
  • 3874
  • Pages: 40-52

Profitability of enterprises in high'tech sectors and factors influencing it: analysis and modeling

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 6
  • 87
  • 3581
  • Pages: 149-160

The impact of financial cycle on profitability for wholesale trading companies

The finance, investments, entrepreneurship
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 4
  • 14
  • 3557
  • Pages: 123-133

Problems of russian oil and gas service market

Regional and branch economy
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 1
  • 55
  • 4670
  • Pages: 111-119

Management of the financial cycle at different life-cycle stages in russian companies

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • 132
  • 4217
  • Pages: 217-229

Influence of innovation project financing ways on the share price

The finance, taxation, investments
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 3
  • 375
  • 4895
  • Pages: 154-163

Technoeconomic modeling of overhead transmission lines

Strategic Planning of MesoLevel Economic Systems
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 3
  • 638
  • 4815
  • Pages: 132-139

The analysis of approaches according to the international competitiveness of the states

Business and marketing
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5041
  • Pages: 298-305

Indicators and factors of the financial condition of counterparts in system of agroindustrial complex of region

Economy of agroindustrial complex
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5139
  • Pages: 126-131

Estimation of influence of features of manufacture and production sales on efficiency of its release

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 5016
  • Pages: 118-122

Application of elements of the modern financial analysisat the organization of controlling of the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 6
  • 541
  • 4453
  • Pages: 108-118

Development of approaches to financial expressanalysis of the activities of oil companies

The finance, taxes and book keeping
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 5
  • 1
  • 5278
  • Pages: 159-162

Strategic aspects of working out and realization of the project of modernization of the company

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 5
  • 1
  • 4978
  • Pages: 146-151

Economic margin models as basic methods of the economic efficiency of russian companies

Economic & mathematical methods and models
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 1
  • 826
  • 5382
  • Pages: 131-137

Profitability main activities of the commercial banks cluster and factor analysis

The finance, taxes and book keeping
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 3
  • 741
  • 4802
  • Pages: 84-89

Study of time series of the economic indices of the enterprises (on example of the Volga federal region)

Economy and management of the enterprise
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 3
  • 710
  • 4438
  • Pages: 31-36