An algorithm for selecting competing regions based on localization coefficients (using the example of the Amur region)

Regional and branch economy

The assessment of the competitiveness of regions is preceded by the stage of formation of the statistical set of the assessed entities. Each author approaches this stage in his own way. Some authors assess the competitiveness of all regions of the country, skipping the selection stage. Others consider regions of the same federal district as objects of comparison. Still others focus on neighboring regions, also within a federal district. The weak validity of such approaches can lead to distortion of the results of assessing the competitiveness of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the formulation of incorrect conclusions about the competitive advantages of the regions. In order to minimize representativeness errors, it is necessary to formalize the selection procedure for competing regions. The purpose of the study is to improve the algorithm for forming a statistical set of competing regions using localization coefficients. The information base of the study is the Federal State Statistics Service data for 2022. Statistical methods were used to perform the calculations, as well as methods for analyzing the regional economy. The result of the work is an improved algorithm for the formation of a statistical set of competing regions, which makes it possible to select homogeneous regions with minimal differences in the contribution of different types of activities to the regional economy. The algorithm is based on the calculation of localization coefficients, which makes it possible to make a representative sample. The use of the proposed algorithm for selecting competing regions will help strengthen the competitive positions of the assessed regions by using the experience of the regional policy of the compared entities of the Russian Federation. The algorithm was tested on the statistical data of the country's entities. As a result, a representative sample of the competing regions of the Amur Region has been formed, which should be used to assess the competitiveness of the region and identify its competitive advantages and weaknesses. The methods of selecting competing regions depend on the number of dominant types of activities and the purpose of the study. In it is necessary to consider competitors by all types of competitive specialization, the number of competing regions of the Amur Region will include 68 entities in 2022. If we select regions by industrial activity, the statistical set of competing regions will consist of 46 entities.