Assessing the level of maturity of a territory's innovation ecosystem: methodological foundations and tools

Regional economy

Models for assessing the level of digital maturity are widely used as a tool for justifying decisions on the development of organizations. Similar models exist in the field of assessing the maturity of ecosystems. However, there are much fewer of them, and in most cases, they do not take into account the characteristics of innovation ecosystems as an object of management. In addition, research in recent years has revealed many important aspects that determine the effectiveness of managing the creation of shared innovation value, which are not taken into account in existing models. Therefore, the goal of this work is to create a framework for assessing the level of maturity of the territory’s innovation ecosystem. The concepts of the ecosystem in general and the innovation ecosystem in particular, methodological approaches and models for organizing network interactions and role dynamics, and models for assessing the maturity of ecosystems were used as the methodological basis for the study. The article discusses the tasks and promising models of orchestration in terms of creating and distributing shared value as the core of the territory's innovation ecosystem. A canvas of the territory's innovation ecosystem is proposed. Groups of actors are identified, which, in addition to the components of the classical triple helix (science, business, government), are: entrepreneurship, integrated entities (consortia, clusters, platforms) and consumers as participants in the process of joint value creation. In the role landscape format, the relationship of actors with possible ecosystem roles is determined. A comparative analysis of approaches to constructing models for assessing the maturity of ecosystems was carried out. It is shown that the most common areas of assessment are: value proposition (target setting, products and services, monetization), actors, processes and formats of their interaction (network, platform, infrastructure), management (ecosystem orchestration). Taking into account the features of the innovation ecosystem (composition of actors, transfer gaps, models of coordination of interests, risks), an enlarged structure of the assessment model is proposed. The advantages of a modular approach to constructing a model for assessing the maturity level of a territory's innovation ecosystem in the format of a dynamic set of submodels are revealed. A composition of submodels is proposed for the enlarged blocks, and their brief description is given. The operationalization of submodels in terms of the formation of a system of evaluation indicators and corresponding scales is considered as directions for further research.