Economic analysis of marketing activities of an enterprise

Economy and management of the enterprise

The increasing volume of marketing activity (MA), the need to introduce economic evaluation systems for marketing decisions, the need to determine the relationship between marketing indicators and the financial and economic results of the organization, the lack of satisfactory methods of economic evaluation and analysis of marketing activities mean that adapting the methods of economic analysis to the marketing activities is an important task. The existing procedures for assessing the potential and the economic status of marketing at the enterprise lack quantitative methods in the evaluation of MA and yield subjective values. The goal of the study is to develop a set of recommendations for conducting economic analysis of MA at the enterprise, satisfying the needs of managers in the information necessary for making managerial decisions about the current economic state of MA at the enterprise, the impact of MA on the economic performance of the enterprise. The paper determines the structure of the MA process, gives recommendations for the following areas: assessing the structural shifts in the results of MA; analyzing how the planned MA operations are executed according to the terms and budget; studies of significant deviations in the implementation of plans and the influencing factors; ranking the key and identifying the critical subprocesses of MA; searching for reserves and opportunities to improve the subprocesses of MA. We have applied methods of calculation of relative and average sizes, a method of comparison, a method of tabular representation of the data, methods of deterministic factorial analysis with respect to MA. The result of the study is a set of proposals for the economic analysis of MA, allowing to draw conclusions regarding the organization of work with different groups of subprocesses of MA. For example, recommendations can be made to eliminate or outsource these subprocesses, to adjust the procedures for executing MA operations in order to reduce the time or financial costs of MA in the area of ​​subprocesses that require improvement, to maintain the achieved level of executing MA operations in the area of key subprocesses. Recommendations according to the proposed methodology should cover the possibilities of preventing significant deviations of the actual indicators of performing MA operations from the planned ones, ways of improving MA operations as a result of comparison with the indicators of other departments of the organization, competitors or benchmarking partners, as well as the necessary actions to use the reserves found for improving the performance of specific MA operations.