Design of a company's innovative infrastructure based on deployment of the quality function

Innovations management

In this paper, we have emphasized the significance of the “knowledge (intellectual capital) – innovation - economic performance of a company” transformation chain  for managing the development of modern companies. We have determined that it is feasible to solve the problem of designing an innovative infrastructure of the enterprise based on integrating the requirements and methods of innovational and strategic management of intellectual capital. We have designed a conceptual scheme of the study involving development of an innovative infrastructure meeting the requirements of the innovation strategy selected by the enterprise. We have analyzed the approaches to the classification of innovation strategies. The group of technology strategies (leader strategy, creative imitation strategy, copying strategy, and forced innovation strategy) and marketing innovation strategy were selected as the basic types.  We have refined the definition  of the innovative infrastructure of the enterprise. We have revealed a close relationship between the innovation infrastructure and organizational capital of the enterprise. We have proposed a list of requirements for the innovation infrastructure ensuring the successful innovative activity of the enterprise. We have highlighted a group of general and specific requirements depending on the innovation strategy type selected by the company. To assess the level of development and to devise a program of further improving the innovative infrastructure of the enterprise, we have substantiated the choice of the method for deploying the quality function. For the purpose of constructing a quality house, we have proposed to regard the innovative strategy chosen by the enterprise, which cannot be successfully implemented without the appropriate innovative infrastructure, as the consumer. We have plotted a matrix of interrelations between the requirements of innovative strategy and elements of the innovation infrastructure, emphasized the most significant elements from the standpoint of the implementation of the strategy. We have described the elements of financial and organizational complexity of the transformations. We have formed a management pattern allowing to visualize the network of relationships between the elements of the innovation infrastructure and the requirements of successful implementation of innovative activity of the enterprise. Based on deployment of the quality function, we have assessed the gaps between the actual and the required level of development of the innovation infrastructure, including taking into account the competitors. We have constructed a positional matrix, which allows, depending on the size of the gaps, to determine the possibility and options of the development of the innovative infrastructure. We have established the efficiency of including cooperative strategies (vertical, horizontal, institutional and network cooperation) in the design of the innovative infrastructure.