Interregional industry alliance of innovative clusters as a tool for managing the interaction of regional and industrial innovative subsystems

Innovations management

The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the change in the vector of economic development of the Russian Federation from globalization to regionalization significantly changes the specifics of all the processes involved in it. The production process is becoming more and more dispersed over various territories, which allows to fully benefit from the advantages of the region and to effectively use its opportunities on the basis of the complex development of the region's economy, impossible without an effectively functioning regional innovation system, which results in not only an increase in GRP based on innovations but also socio-economic development of the territory. However, it should be noted that branch specifics play a special role in the region's economy as it is the development of the industry that influences the process of creating an innovative product with added value. Therefore, only the interaction of regional and branch innovative subsystems, the strengthening of links between their elements, and the search for fundamentally new forms of integration links will lead to the development of a national innovation system in Russia. An important tool for implementing this idea is regional innovation-oriented economic clusters, which activate market mechanisms, having a stimulating effect on the development of regions and increasing their innovative orientation. In this regard, the government authorities of the Russian Federation defined the creation of high-tech clusters as a priority area for territorial development, reflecting this in existing federal-level documents. The purpose of the study is to analyze the experience in the field of management and interaction between participants based on the example of the Kama innovative territorial production cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan and identify the problems of the traditional management model of innovative territorial and interregional clusters. The authors proposed a new form of integration education (interregional industry alliance of innovative clusters), its concept was given and its management structure was developed, which provides for the existence of a coordinating body at the federal level with certain powers, interacting between sectoral and regional management structures.