Implementation of the innovative approach in the system of personnel training in scientific and industrial educational complexes

Innovations management

Using innovative approaches of training, including technical orientation, implies the existence of interconnected elements allowing to form skills, abilities and competences of the educational process. Globalization, modernization and other significant processes occurring in the world’s economic system determine the global challenges and the strategic directions of development, including in the training system in various fields of the national economy. Today, higher education institutions become scientific and educational industrial complexes as they carry out a vast range of functions connected with carrying out scientific research and the gain of scientific knowledge, the organization of the educational process, the organization of production either in partnership with the enterprises of various industries, or by creating business incubators. Using innovative approaches in the organization of the educational process primarily means information and communication technologies, various platforms of open and mass education, design training, case technologies, which, as a whole, allow to obtain the result satisfying the needs of the sectors of national economy. Today Russia has entered a period of reforms of outdated systems both in the field of personnel training, and in the sphere of production in general. The main activity in these directions is determined by a number of tasks that are important for the country.  A lack of communication between the system of professional education and both current and future problems of production is currently observed at the federal and regional levels. There is no developed mechanism allowing to carry out monitoring and forecasting of the real needs of the economy so that educational institutions could prepare the personnel satisfying these needs. Ensuring the sustainable development of post-industrial economy is a key problem at present. Therefore, using various mechanisms, such as innovative approaches in educational process, public-private partnerships, regarding educational institutions as scientific and educational complexes, the instruments for managing these complexes and also the formation of programs for introducing advanced industrial technologies, the organizations of design training and use of information and communication technologies is in demand today and is relevant.