Problems of integration of managing subjects in the information and network economy

Theoretical bases of economics and management

Today's economy, which is often defined as an information and network one, is increasingly integrating network organizational forms of activity of economic entities. The interactions between the entities, both within the network and between networks, transform the content and form of the integration process at meso-, macro- and mega-levels of economic management. The goal of the study is to summarize the modern experience and highlight the key problems and directions of their solutions within the networking processes of business entities of different forms of ownership and different industry sectors of the national economic system based on traditional theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of information and network economy. Integration of economic entities in the informational society through networking economic processes involves a functioning service capital, whose level of development determines the nature of servitization of economic systems of different types. Service capital is a category of the post-industrial economy where the service sector acts as a condition, a factor and a dominant of socio-economic development of countries and regions, providing the interaction of economic agents and promoting their deeper integration. The process of directly forming a cluster strategy includes a set of management actions aimed at solving a number of problems: establishing and evaluating the main priorities in the socio-economic development of the region; studying the business environment within the cluster and beyond; analyzing the legislation, including support of small and medium-sized enterprises, antitrust regulation and its impact on clustering processes; conducting SWOT analysis of the relevant sectors and the region; analyzing the core competitiveness of the enterprises, mainly, the ones forming the economic potential of the region and their various associations; identifying a cluster of entities operating in other fields in addition to the source field..