Systemico-transdisciplinary approach in strategic corporate management

Strategic Planning of MesoLevel Economic Systems

Goal setting and actualization of management functions in corporate development are the most important objectives of strategic management. The efficacy of this process relies on the goal validity, the nature of suggested actions and their timeliness. Most frequently, mistakes in strategic corporate development lead to significant decline in a corporation’s state or even to its complete cessation. Analysis shows that successes in strategic management stem from managers’ intuition rather than scientific study of the problem. Potential ingrained in the ideas of strategic development might reveal itself in time periods comparable to a human lifetime. That is why scientific rationale for strategic management decisions requires an exploitation of methods of equal complexity. One of such methods is the system method. Modern system approach includes several directions that have shown great progress in elaborating the techniques for system research of complex objects, like the transdisciplinary approach. The application of it allows to enforce the standard character of the decisions made. The quintessence of suggested method is that in its development, the system is susceptible to changes of a certain type in every given development period. Basically, the feature of the action and the feature of the event must match. The usage of tools like the multiplex wave and the transdisciplinary model of information order unit allow to determine the feature of actions and periods, and calculate their calendar longevity. The results of a retrospective analysis of development of a group of corporations in various fields indicated a high degree of congruence between actions and periods. Therefore, the application of transdisciplinary approach helps elevate the degree of scientific validity of decisions in the area of strategic management because it provides an opportunity to calculate the calendar dates of development of actions, their actualization and control their completion.