Negative interest rates as part of the global transformation of the monetary sphere

Innovation management and finance

The relevance of the article due to the fact that currently the monetary authorities of many developed countries, without much success trying to use the tools of monetary regulation in order to stimulate the growth of the real sector of the economy. Among serious obstacles to economic growth are seen deflation processes in the developed countries, which does not encourage increasing the volume of production due to continuous fall in prices for finished products. In search of new tools and incentives for economic growth the Central banks of several countries have entered unknown ever before in the banking practice area with nominal negative interest rates. In this paper we study the global causes of negative Deposit rates by the Central banks of selected developed countries and evaluated the possible consequences of their application. The author presents a Matrix of the relationship of Deposit rates and commodity prices on the purchasing power of the monetary unit, which describes the possible combinations of positive, zero and negative Deposit rates and similar rates of inflation and their consequences for the holders of money. Formulated an assumption about the need of the global transformation of modern concepts monetary-credit regulation during the transition to postindustrial type of economy and new forms of money. The global transformation of the modern world and the formation of a new economic structure will inevitably lead in future to the gradual displacement of the electronic money currently used forms of money and means of payment. Unlike traditional forms of money, electronic funds involve the operation of a qualitatively new media universal equivalent. The specific use of these carriers as money very sparingly investigated, including as a result of not always successful attempts to explain the innovations of the modern world on the basis of the methodological base of research, developed in fundamentally different circumstances. It is assumed that the application of syncretic as a new logic of thinking, and theory of media in the form of a new philosophical system will allow us to better disclose the essential characteristics and peculiarities of different forms of money, including electronic money. Thus, the use of syncretic, as a more General logic than metaphysics and dialectics, would have meant going beyond the old type of thinking in the new spatial logic of measurement.