Review and comparative characteristics of methodologies for the development of enterprise architecture

Economy and management of the enterprise

In the modern world, the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities becomes key. Balance, stability and the level of development of any national economy depends on successfully solving it. Accordingly, in a turbulent external environment, characterized today by a number of negative manifestations, in particular, lower energy prices, the introduction of sanctions against Russia, the overall socio-political tensions and volatility in the markets, the purpose of any large domestic industrial enterprises is a significant increase in competitiveness through flexible response to the changes occurring. However, the enterprise under consideration is a complex system with its own branched structure and a diverse set of constituents, and, consequently, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to use modern innovation management tools resulting from the symbiosis of developments in the field of strategic management and modern information technologies, along with the traditional ones. The concept of «enterprise architecture» has appeared in 1987 and is one of the most effective management innovations for increasing the competitiveness of large domestic enterprises of the real sector of the economy. The article provides information about the degree of these concepts; describes a brief history of the development of the sphere of «enterprise architecture»; outlines the various definitions of the term «enterprise architecture», as well as the authors’ definition; provides a description and comparison of methodologies in the field of developing «enterprise architecture». Based on the conducted research, we have reached the conclusion that further research is necessary into developing the scientific and practical apparatus of the «enterprise architecture» concept, and into the means for designing a specialized range of standard models adapted to the specifics of large industrial enterprises of Russia enabling them to constantly and significantly improve their competitiveness.