Assessment level of the development of oil and gas fields of the arctic as vital to the strategic management of oil and gas complex

Strategic Planning of MesoLevel Economic Systems

The article focuses on the assessment level of the development of oil and gas fields of the Arctic. It is a key element of the strategic management of oil and gas complex. A widespread approach to estimate efficiency of projects on the development of oil and gas fields is the analysis of the material and financial streams arising while implementing the project. These indicators provide the basis to form necessary estimation criteria of efficiency for all participants of the project. However, the given approach refers to the financial analysis and does not cover other directions of the development of the analyzed oil and gas fields, including their technical potential and an assessment of their influence on the level of social and economic development of the environment. The insufficient development of the specified directions and the fact that existing techniques to estimate to efficiency of design decisions in the sphere of the development of oil and gas fields focus on the financial analysis prove the necessity to work out the complex mechanism of strategic process management to develop sea hydrocarbon fields of the Arctic. This mechanism is based on the integrated indicator of the features of the hydrocarbon fields. The author offers the sequence of the stages of the calculation of technical and economic potential of sea oil and gas fields of the Arctic. This methodology is based on the integrated indicator combining financial, technical, climatic and service-infrastructure characteristics of fields that allows making a rating of fields to define the sequence and priority of the beginning of their development. The article proves the necessity of taking into account the wide list of factors in the comparative analysis of oil and gas fields of the Arctic (the definition of their first or last positions) to adopt strategic administrative decisions on the field development.