Features of the investment and innovative orientation in students` training in technical higher educational institution (on the example of Donetsk region).

Strategic and Enterprise Planning

The article describes the basic prerequisites of education in a higher education institution. The actual needs of the employer and the student in the current economic environment are taken into account. The authors emphasized the need to deepen knowledge of students of all specialties on the economic justification of administrative decisions and the need to develop skills to implement innovative approaches into enterprise management. Specifics of the classical economists training – bachelors, specialists and masters in «Economics and Company Management» with profound study of investment and innovative theory and practice on the basis of technical university are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the specifics of training of investment, investment management, economics and organization of innovative activity, economic analysis, financial management, assessment of investment attractiveness of the company, change management. Features of education of masters in interdisciplinary «Innovation Management» are investigated. A general economic, investment and innovation training as part of preparations of masters on the given specialty is carried out during the first semester. In this case, differentiated approaches to the students who received bachelor's degree in economic and technical fields of study are used. During the second semester students are taught disciplines which form their professional competence in the field of innovation. When choosing a research field, not only the trends of the scientific school are taken into account, but features of the personal interests of masters, as well as basic knowledge in different specific areas: economics, management, computer science and information technology, chemistry, mechanical engineering, mining, geology. The article describes the support of innovative and managerial education of masters in technical specialties.