Lisence Agreement

Publication schedule
  • №2 April 2025
    Submission deadline: 10 March 2025
  • №3 June 2025
    Submission deadline: 1 May 2025
  • №4 August 2025
    Submission deadline: 2 June 2025
  • №5 October 2025
    Submission deadline: 10 September 2025
  • №6 December 2025
    Submission deadline: 3 November 2025

Here you can find out the main provisions of the License Agreement between the Author and the Publisher (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University).

1. The Author guarantees that he is the legitimate holder of the intellectual rights both (inclusive or non-inclusive) to the Paper, which is the subject of the present Agreement.

2. The Author grants the Publisher a right toplaceelectronic version of the Paper on the site of magazine, as well as in databasesanddigital library systems.

3. In order to increase the citation frequency index of the authors, co-operating with the scientific periodicals, the Author hereby grants the Publisher the rights to use the Paper as material for fulfilling requests within the framework of interlibrary co-operation (ILC), document delivery (DD) and electronic document delivery (EDD) on condition that the request comes from noncommercial organization, or from library belonging to non-commercial organization.

4. In order to protect, maintain and to administer access and accurate reproduction of the electronic version of the Paper, the Author grants the Publisher the right to make a facsimile version or copy with the help of whatever technical means in full or in part including storage or reproduction of the above mentioned copies in electronic (including digital), optical or any other machine-readable format.

5. The Author grants the Publisher throughout the period of the present Agreement the right to include the Paper in full or in part in collections of the following:

– The Electronic Library of SPbPU;

– Electronic Resources of SPbPU Fundamental Library;

– Other bases of scientific articles and electronic libraries.

6. As long as the Work is added to the Electronic Resources of the Fundamental Library, the rules of electronic deposit for Works in electronic format and the period of their retention are governed by Electronic Resources Management Regulation of SPbPU Fundamental Library and are not bound by the time limits of the present Agreement and the permissible access level of the Work.

7. For Works not included into Electronic Resources Collection of SPbPU Fundamental Library, the lifetime for electronic version of the Paper is determined by the Publisher and does not depend on the time limits of the present Agreement.

8. The Author grants the Publisher a right to use the electronic version of the Work free of charge.

9. TheAuthor does not pay thePublisher for execution of obligations of the present Agreement.

10. The Author grants the Publisher a right to use his Paper within 5 (five) years with the possibility to extend this term, and without limitation of the territory.

11. The validity of the present Agreement extends automatically once a year, if none of the parties intends to cancel or alter its provisions 2 (two) months before expiration of the present Agreement.

12. The Agreement can be cancelled at any time by either party upon giving 60 days’ notice to the other party of his desire to withdraw or in case ofdefault onobligations under the Agreementby one of the parties.

13. The Publisher shall:

– At any time give the Author an opportunity to be aware of the procedure for exploitation of his Paper;

– In the course of exploitation of the Paper take all measures to secure safety of all non-material rights of the Author. The Publisher shall not make alterations or insert amendments into the contents of the Paper without Author’s written consent, including the title of the Work, illustrations, annotations, explanations, epilogues, etc., except for the cases stipulated on the present Agreement.

14. The Publisher has the right to:

– Require all necessary information concerning the Paper from the Author;

– Transfer (convert, modify to whatever machine-readable format) legally published Work (or its electronic version), which is in full or in part included in the Collection of the State Educational Institution “SPbPU“ Electronic Library, and corresponds to the format for topic collections and databases used by SPbPU Fundamental Library;

– create network electronic version of the Work on the basis of the submitted in electronic format Work.

15. The Author shall:

– Immediately notify the Publisher of the transfer of his exclusive rights to the Paper, including its electronic versions, to the third parties in order to avoid submitting claims that may arise out of or in connection with the present Agreement;

– To provide the Publisher on his demand with all necessary documents to prove not in-house status of the Paper;

– In order to provide full and certain bibliometric and sciencemetric research connected with authors’ citation frequency index and FSFEI HPE“SPbPU” periodicals’ impact factor determination (authenticity of the authoritative record in the name list of the individual author), the Author shall inform SPbPU Fundamental Library of publications realized under nickname or other derivatives of his name.

16. The Author has the right to check the procedure and the terms of his Paper exploitation at any time.

17. If the parties to the Agreement infringe or do not perform properly their obligations under the present Agreement they bear legal liability in full accordance with the current Legislation of the Russian Federation.