Assessment of the industrial enterprise digital development level based on fuzzy logic method
In modern turbulent conditions of digital ecosystem formation, it is important to promptly make informed managerial decisions on the development of an industrial enterprise. To maintain competitiveness, an enterprise must follow the trend towards digital transformation. In doing so, the use of ESG approach allows the manager to make strategically informed decisions on digital change. In the context of the importance of assessment in the management process, widely recognized by the scientific and expert community, scholars have so far developed many diverse and varied methods and models for assessing the digital transformation of enterprises. Scientists and practitioners use different sets of indicators and assessment methodologies. However, despite the numerous proposals, scholars have paid insufficient attention to the self-assessment of the digital development of an enterprise, taking into account its ESG sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to develop a universal toolkit for assessing the level of digital development of an industrial enterprise that is applicable in practice. The main research methods are analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of expert assessments and fuzzy logic, and the theory of fuzzy sets. The main results of the study are as follows: the requirements that the assessment of the level of digital development and its information and analytical tools must meet for suitability for practical use by enterprises are determined; a corresponding information and analytical tool for assessing the level of digital development; the testing of the tool for assessment of the level of digital development. The reliability of the proposed information and analytical tool is ensured by the following: this study is based on scientific and practical experience accumulated in the field of assessing the level of digital development of an industrial enterprise; the assessment uses a quantitatively limited set of easily definable indicators based on open data; the assessment uses detailed, tested and well-proven methods of hierarchy of indicators and fuzzy logic; the original software product DigInfoLogicTool has been verified on the data of industrial enterprises of the Crimean region. The use of this proprietary development will allow management to promptly make informed decisions on digital development, taking into account the ESG indicators of the enterprise. The results of this work can be the basis for future research aimed at developing methodological recommendations for selecting the direction of digital development and industrial enterprise digital transformation.