Correlation of indicators of scientific potential and intensity of human capital accumulation in the territorial-sectoral projection of the Republic of Belarus
he article, based on official statistical data of the Republic of Belarus for 2015–2023, provides an assessment of the interrelation between the level of development of the territorial-industrial segment of the national economy, investment provision of the food sector and the intensity of human capital accumulation. The peculiarities of the formation of the latter are due to the significant influence of natural, climatic, ecological and socio-cultural factors. Given the versatility of human capital, the specifics of its formation and development in the territorial-industrial section, the methodology of scientific search is based on acmeological approaches that reveal its essence in the process of continuous development. This fact allows us to theoretically and practically substantiate the influence of indicators of scientific sphere development on the intensity of human capital accumulation in the territorial-industrial projection of the Republic of Belarus. This makes it possible to comprehensively study the relationship between the trends in the development trends of the scientific sphere and human capital from the position of quantitative and qualitative parameters, including the gross value added (GVA) of agriculture, fisheries and forestry, the volume of investment in fixed capital in this sphere, productivity and capitalization of the food sector. The analysis of qualitative characteristics of the scientific potential of Belarus allows us to note its significant reduction in 2015–2023. The Republic of Belarus is characterized by a decrease in the qualitative composition of scientific personnel, expressed by negative trends in such indicators as the ratio of admitted to and successfully mastered scientifically oriented educational programs, the number of researchers, the number of doctors and candidates of science in various fields of science, and an intensive increase in the number of scientific workers over 60 years old. Labor productivity is considered as a qualitative indicator characterizing the relationship between the intensity of development of the scientific sphere and the rate of human capital accumulation. This indicator compiles the influence of investment and technological impact on the development of the food sector and socio-economic factors that determine the creation of GVA. Empirical research proves that a very high capital equipment of the agricultural segment acts as a restraining factor in the accumulation of human capital and causes a decrease in productivity in the sector.