Industry 6.0: methodology, tools, practice
The concept of Industry 6.0 is considered as a qualitatively new phase of industrial and socio-economic development, characterized by comprehensive intellectual and technological immersive hyperconnectivity and physical-cognitive-emotional fusion of virtual twins of man and machine within the framework of symbiotic interaction. The methodology of Industry 6.0 is disclosed through a comprehensive system of views on the essence, content, core, object, goals, distinctive technologies of Industry 6.0, covering the entire spectrum of processes of creation, implementation and development of emotional-intellectual cybersocial meta-ecosystems obtained on the basis of ChIME convergence (ChIME means “Chelovek” (“man”) – “Iskusstvennyi sverkhintellekt” (“artificial superintelligence”) – “metaekosistema” (“meta-ecosystem”)). By analogy with genetic algorithms (where inheritance, mutation, selection, crossing over, etc. are used), the methodology and technology of DNA engineering of cybersocial metaecosystems include approaches of genetic engineering in an expanded synergetic, interdisciplinary format, which allows using the principles of convergent evolution and NBIC convergence. The toolkit for implementing Industry 6.0 includes the development of a periodic table of system-target elements of the polysystem tetrad of cybersocial metaecosystems (PTSTE-PTCM) (by analogy with the periodic table of chemical elements), generalized versions of polysystem proteins, amino acids and codons, as well as a cognitive genetic model of the polysystem genome in the form of a heterogeneous gene-neural network. The practice of deploying Industry 6.0 is demonstrated using the example of creating a test version of the “Polysystem Tetrad of the Cybersocial Metaecosystem of Industry 5.0/6.0” at “Techno Tube” LLC and during the development of the GН1G structure – a polysystem protein that ensures the research and technological development of the Starbase metaecosystem within the Starship HLS project. To prove the effectiveness of the polysystem protein GН1G, a model of economic coevolution of the Starbase metaecosystem was created, which showed high efficiency and significant scientific and technological potential of the presented tools. One of the directions of further research of the Industry 6.0 concept, which the authors would like to note, is the development of a table of analogies between the electron configurations of atoms of chemical elements and complexes of relations of the fundamental categorical cores of the system-target elements of the PTSTE-PTCM, especially configurations 6p, 1d and higher. The development of elements of these configurations will allow us to move on to the creation of anthropogenic systems.