Intellectual capital of the enterprise: composition and priorities

Economy and management of enterprise and complexes

One of the main trends of the modern economy is the active use by businesses of digital technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and other intellectual resources. In this regard, the purpose of this article was to detail the components that form the intelligence of a company, as well as the elements of individual intellectual capital (IC), which are most in demand in the intellectual economy. Initially, the work, based on the synthesis of theoretical views on the intelligence of a company, identified its main components, which included the intellectual resources of the company (its IC) and intellectual abilities (on the use of these resources and business positioning). After that, the two main components forming the IC of the company were specified: a) corporate IC; and b) individual IC of employees. The traditional task of the area under consideration is to determine the composition of the company's IC and estimate its value. The study proposes approaches to solving these problems, in particular, options for analytical representation of the cost of an company's IC. Increasing demands for the intellectual content of business, digitalization, and involvement of AI are changing the composition of current requests for the knowledge and skills of employees. In this regard, the possible composition of universal competencies that are in demand in a digital, intellectual environment is considered. Two main groups of requirements that determine the requests for such an employee were identified: the presence of digital hard-skills, as well as developed soft-skills. Next, we considered the elements of individual IC that can ensure the implementation of the noted competencies. The conducted comparative analysis made it possible to determine the two-way correspondence and mutual influence of the universal competencies of employees and elements of their individual IC. As a result, in the model of functioning of the intellectual economy enterprise (in the conditions of current information trends), one of the two main parts of the company’s IC was identified and structured – the relationship between skills and competencies of employees that provide the necessary parameters of the overall individual IC. The conducted research allowed us to comprehensively assess the range of competencies and abilities of an enterprise employee that are most in demand in the intellectual environment.