Methodology for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial enterprise and ecosystem based on dynamic coevolutionary potential

Instrumental methods and models

The article discusses the main stages of digitalization of economic entities, including industrial enterprises and ecosystems, starting with automation, due to which routine tasks are removed from personnel and there is an opportunity to focus on more complex or creative processes, and ending with full digital transformation, which involves transformations at all levels of the economic entity’s work. As the object of the study, the authors considered industrial enterprises and ecosystems in the context of digitalization and digital transformation of the economy and industry. The subject of the study was the scientific and methodological tools for assessing the digital potential and digital maturity of industrial enterprises and ecosystems, as well as organizational and economic relations, arising in the process of its application. The purpose of the study was to develop a scientific and methodological approach for assessing the digital potential of an industrial enterprise and the coevolutionary potential of an industrial ecosystem, based on which it is necessary to propose a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial enterprise and ecosystem. To assess the digital potential and digital maturity of enterprises and ecosystems, methods of hierarchical complexing of integral indicators were used. The materials of the research were information from open electronic sources, statistical and scientific reports on the development of Russian industry, enterprises and ecosystems. In the course of the study, the following main results were obtained. The terminological apparatus was clarified in terms of the definitions of “ecosystem”, “industrial ecosystem”, “digital coevolutionary potential”, “digital maturity”. A scientific and methodological approach for assessing the digital potential of an industrial enterprise and the coevolutionary potential of an industrial ecosystem was presented. A methodology for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial enterprise and a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial ecosystem based on digital coevolutionary potential were developed. Various approaches to the concept of digital maturity of an enterprise as a cumulative assessment of digital potential and digital foresight were considered. For the developed methodology for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial enterprise, the results of its testing were given and the results of calculations of the digital maturity of the enterprise under the initial conditions, as well as when the initial data were changed. The stages of implementation of the methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the industrial ecosystem based on coevolutionary potential were outlined.