Reference model for managing the digital transformation of an organization

Digital economy: theory and practice

Relevance. Digital transformation has been identified as one of the main trends and catalyst for the country’s scientific and technological development for the next decade. From a management point of view, the process of digital transformation requires a phased and strategic elaboration of steps and an associated system of strategic development targets, including monitoring the achievement of set goals. Taking into account the growing number of technologies and their specificity, it is necessary to combine all factors and elements of the system and formulate the most complete definition of a model for managing the digital transformation of an organization. Aim of the study. Development of a reference model for managing the digital transformation of an organization. This study is aimed at complementing the existing literature on managing the digital transformation of an organization. Research objectives. 1. Conduct a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in the field of managing digital transformation of an organization, identify top fields of study. 2. Identify key research topics in the field of managing digital transformation of an organization through structuring scientific publications. 3. Present and characterize the components of the reference model for managing the digital transformation of an organization. Materials and methods. To achieve the aim, a search and theoretical analysis of scientific literature, collection of information from open sources with identification of relevant information, processing and systematic analysis of the data obtained were carried out. To carry out the bibliometric analysis, the database was chosen as the most accessible and fairly extensive research platform. The data obtained by filtering (1184 out of 4858 scientific publications) were processed using artificial intelligence using Atlas nomic in order to structure the research and identify key topics. To present the results, a system of general scientific methods and approaches was used: abstract-logical and structural-logical analysis, system analysis, graphic and cartographic methods. Results. Based on the results of a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in the field of managing the digital transformation of an organization, fields of study were identified, among which the top were: business (686 publications), computer science (570 publications), process management (309 publications), and business models (286 publications). Structuring the final sample of scientific publications made it possible to identify key topics in the field of managing the digital transformation of an organization: digitalization, uncertainty, leadership, business process management, business strategy, servitization, multi-agent systems, diagnostics, productivity improvement, blockchain technologies, cloud, etc. According to the results of the study, the reference model for managing the digital transformation of an organization, developed by the author, included the following components: a control subsystem, which, through digital transformation, had a direct impact on the managed subsystem of the organization (business processes / business model). Other components were legal regulation, digital technologies, infrastructure, etc. The recommendations presented can be useful from a theoretical and practical point of view when creating and implementing an organization’s digital transformation strategy. Conclusions. As the results show, in recent years there has been a progressive interest in studying the issues of managing the digital transformation of organizations, which must be approached from the point of view of an integrated system. The effectiveness of this process directly depends on well-developed plans and budgets, taking into account strategic and operational risks, assessing changes and taking improvement measures at all levels of transformation. Directions for further research. Future research could be built on the results obtained by developing methodological support for the digital transformation of an organization, taking into account strategic priorities. In addition, future research could include questions about the key digital competencies required to achieve organizations’ strategic digital transformation priorities, examining how knowledge and skill sets change over time as organizations adapt and learn from their digital transformation experiences.