The "GENE" of success: what national high-growth firms can teach Russian business in modern conditions

Economy and management of enterprise and complexes

 Nowadays, there is an increasing value in analyzing and transferring the successful experience of the work of national companies that succeed and stay successful in the face of external shocks, high uncertainty and the intensification of new challenges. One case of successful companies is high-growth firms (so-called “gazelles”). The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of high-growth Russian firms using an original approach. The approach “codes” the organizational capabilities of firms using 12 “chromosomes”. The analysis and synthesis of information from open sources is used as the main research method in the article. Three Russian gazelles, such as Yandex, Vkusvill, and Red&White, have been studied in detail by analyzing publications in open sources. The information openness of the analyzed companies contributed to the identification of chromosomes despite the varying degree of their manifestation. A study of the organizational DNA of fast-growing companies has shown that gazelles have special chromosomes. In Yandex, the chromosomes responsible for inspiration and the process of rethinking are most pronounced. The firm pays considerable attention to training both current and potential employees, as well as creating comfortable working conditions for them. The significant influence exerted by Yandex on the Russian IT industry causes close attention to the company’s actions, which does not allow deviating from the declared values and principles even in the conditions of instability of the Russian and global economy. In Vkusvill, the chromosomes of rearrangement and revitalization dominate. A fundamentally new structure for Russian food retail and a focus on customers are the determining factors for the company's high performance. Red&White has the mostly developed chromosomes responsible for restructuring and rethinking. At the same time, the firm builds trusting relationships with customers through active communication in social networks. The conclusions of the analysis of the three firms are systematized and can be integrated in the work of Russian firms wishing to apply successful experience, as well as in the process of future business leaders training.