Reference model of core business processes in the modern medical organization

Economic & mathematical methods and models

The article is devoted to the development of the reference model of the main activity processes of a medical organization, as well as to the study of the possibilities of using the proposed reference model in the conditions of digitalization of the Russian healthcare system.   In the introduction, the authors justify the relevance of the topic. The chosen topic is relevant because the key component of the development of modern medical organizations is a system of business processes that ensures the implementation of the concepts of value and personalized medicine in combination with the use of digital technologies. Currently, we have to address many issues related to the formation of new management models based on the use of digital technologies. At the same time, in practice, many medical organizations use digital technologies in their activities only partially, or do not use them at all.  The objective of this study was to build a reference model of processes in a medical organization, which is a formalized presentation of the patient reception procedure in the hospital.  This article uses the following research methods: analysis, generalization, modeling.  As a result, the authors present the reference model and formulate the requirements for the functionality of MIS, which ensures the appropriate IT support of the processes. Moreover, they justify the possibility of using the proposed reference model to create a basis for modeling processes in specific medical organizations, in order to revise and improve existing processes and introduce new ones.  In the conclusion, the authors give recommendations on using the reference model.   They recommend to make its revision in accordance with the specifics of the activities of a particular medical organization, and take into account current trends in the policies of the Ministry of Health regarding the informatization of medical organizations, as well as changes in legislation.