Approach to forming performance contracts for management of fixed assets of industrial enterprises

Economy and management of the enterprise and clusters

The article considers the main systemic approaches to improving the efficiency of management of fixed assets of industrial enterprises, such as budgeting, “lean production”, corporate reorganization, intrapreneurship. We have found the limitations to using the given approaches in Russian economy, related both to institutional imperfection of the economy and to lack of financial resources of most organizations necessary for comprehensive modernization of the fixed assets system. In addition, many Russian industrial enterprises lack the organizational and human resources necessary for comprehensive reorganization of management of fixed assets, in particular, in introducing intrapreneurship or the modern principles of lean production. We have proposed an approach to forming performance contracts for management of fixed assets of an industrial enterprise. A performance contract implies that fixed assets are transferred to temporary management in order to modernize a third-party specialized company. This kind of company undertakes to increase the efficiency of fixed assets within a certain period by no less than a strictly predetermined quantity (in terms of energy intensity of fixed capital, capital intensity of production, specific costs for repair and maintenance of fixed assets, other criteria for effective use of fixed assets). We have defined the subject structure of the parties of the performance contract and their functional duties. We have systematized the main advantages of the proposed scheme of performance contract for modern industrial enterprises in need of system modernization of fixed assets management. The main advantage of the proposed approach for an industrial enterprise is the possibility of obtaining qualified external management of fixed assets, focused on systematic increase in their efficiency. At the same time, the performance contract does not require significant additional investments into modernization of fixed assets; their efficiency is increased mainly through organizational and economic measures, which also require certain costs but significantly less than financing of production programs of complex modernization of fixed assets.