Measuring the efficiency of decision implementation and activities of participants of strategic planning in digital transformation

Strategic planning of the development of economic systems

The digital economy provides additional requirements and opportunities to improve the efficiency of public administration. They are aimed at improving the organizational, methodological and data analysis tools for measuring the effectiveness of implementation of decisions and activities of participants in strategic planning. Today, observing the almost anomalous growth of various documents of strategic management level (strategies, programs, main lines of activity, forecasts, etc.), unfortunately we can confirm the low quality of the constructed strategic planning system. Contents is duplicated; the existing regional strategic planning documents are inconsistent; there is not clear hierarchy of goals, objectives and activities; the formulated goals are unclear and immeasurable; there is chronological mismatch of activities, often, there is either no link between the allocated budget funds and the target indicators, or this link is unsubstantiated, and there is a number of other shortcomings. This fully applies to monitoring and control tasks both for implementation of strategic level documents and for the activities of participants in strategic planning. In this regard, the article presents the institutional framework for solving problems of monitoring and controlling the implementation of documents and activities of participants in strategic planning. The existing problems in measuring results and effects within the framework of current monitoring and control of implementation of strategic planning decisions have been characterized. Based on the proposed typology of objects and subjects of monitoring, significant aspects of effectiveness evaluation have been identified. The main conceptual provisions are formulated and the scheme for formalizing the construction of integral criteria for assessing the effectiveness of implementation of documents and activities of participants in strategic planning has been presented. The integral assessment of the effectiveness of implementation of strategic planning documents is based on a system of private indicators of rhythmicity, efficiency, financial security, and effectiveness of public budget expenditures. The basis for constructing an integral index of the performance of participants in strategic planning are the private indicators of the completeness of organizational and methodological support of their activities, the effectiveness of strategic planning documents and financial provision of the participants in strategic planning during the implementation of strategic decisions. We have proposed methods for substantiating systems of weighting coefficients for integral performance evaluation criteria. The results presented in the article are useful for standardization, unification and optimization of the current activity of state bodies in conditions of using digital technologies and a specialized functional platform of the federal information system for strategic planning. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 18-010-01151).