Ensuring the sustainable development of integrated complexes taking into account the requirements of professional standards

Economy and management of the enterprise

Despite serious efforts of scholars and experts in searching for optimal solutions of management tasks both in economic, and in social systems, national economy, the processes of globalization and the activities of certain economic subjects set difficult challenges for business entities, which have to be resolved as quickly as possible. For economic systems (which includes business entities of the national economy in general and, in particular, the organizations that are integrated complexes currently functioning as public-private partnerships), it is not sufficient to find the solution of a problem; the option that is the most acceptable, or optimal, both in terms of efficiency and achieving the desired results, has to be chosen. At the same time, observing the principles and requirements of managing an integrated complex as a system, it is necessary to consider various factors determining its performance at the present stage taking into account the specifics of managing a scientific and industrial educational complex on the basis of the mechanisms of public-private partnership and forming the integration programs for advanced industrial technologies. The article considers the activities of integrated complexes functioning within public-private partnerships. The specifics of these activities are discussed from the standpoint of legal and organizational aspects. In our opinion, it is particularly important to analyze the activities of integrated complexes in the context of providing human resources, in terms of assessing the abilities, skills and competences of the personnel and the last changes according to the National framework of qualifications and the professional standards developed on its basis. The results obtained in the study will be useful not only in organizing the activities of integrated complexes, but also for various organizations of the national economy irrespective of the field of activity. This is primarily due to the fact that the economy of knowledge and knowledge management in organizations necessitate that the personnel adapt quickly to the changing conditions and the tasks facing the management. We are confident that it is a strategic issue that has not lost its relevance in the conditions of globalization and integration processes. The proposed management solutions will provide effective performance of the organization by determining the changes that are necessary in the personnel, the knowledge management, and in other structures of the organization, and also by optimizing the possible expenses on accomplishing these measures.